
"Russian MILABS" #conspiracy orionmindproject.com

I am having to heavily censor what I know and have seen because of two reasons. The Russians will get seriously upset with me if I reveal too much information. And also the information I have is not for a general audience nor for a child audience. It involves a lot of graphic, disturbing, sexually explicit, illegal, upsetting and shocking information.

But here is a milder and censored version of it. The Draconian Reptiles have contacted earth militaries and government authorities, because the Reptilians have a thing for leadership figures so they will naturally want to talk to humans who are in charge of things here. The militaries of the US, Japan, and Russia, are all in close dealings with the Draconian Reptiles.

The Reptilians and militaries of earth are in agreements and trading systems. Reptilians get women like me as egg donors for their hybrid programs. Basically, the Reptilians have their team of Dinosaurs, Orions, Zetas and Thubans to extract my egg cells and they mix in Zeta, Dinosaur, or even Draconian genetics with mine so to make a hybrid that is a mixture of alien and human. The children also have a father who is most often an Illuminati hybrid himself.

The militaries and aliens all regard me as some strange alien. I am told I have twelve strands of DNA. The Reptilians are highly selective in terms of the human DNA they are after. First of all, my Reptilians will only use Caucasian and Nordic, to be more exact, Finnish, DNA, and I am a 100% Finnish. But there is also something very extra about my DNA because I have heightened psychic skills. The aliens are scrambling to find my genes that enable these skills. They also want to incorporate my feet into the hybrid generation because the hybrid children have problems with their feet. But other than that the hybrids should be pretty much their alien predecessor.

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