
Pastor Matt #fundie pastormattblog.com

Hitler’s favorite philosopher was atheist Friedrich Nietzsche. In fact, he gave copies of his books to Stalin and Mussolini. Following Nietzsche, Hitler had these words placed over one of the gas ovens in Auschwitz, “I want to raise a generation of young people devoid of conscience, imperious, relentless and cruel.”

Hitler often quoted materialist philosophers with glee. One of his favorite sayings was that the destruction of the weak is a good thing for the survival of the strong for “nature intended it that way.”

Moreover, in Hitler’s Table Talk, a collection of his private sayings preserved by his closest followers, the “fuhrer”, derides Christianity as a “scourge” and wishes Germany will be the first nation in centuries to be immune from its influence. Hitler went so far as to ban Christmas and demand the Hitler Youth praise him on December 25th rather than Jesus.

Hitler also mocked Christianity for its opposition to Darwinism. Indeed, many of his closest colleagues, Goebbles, Himmler, Heydrich and Bormann, were outspoken atheists and materialists also some were intrigued by the occult.

That Hitler was a Christian is one of the most pernicious lies perpetrated by modern secularists. The second, one promoted by revisionist historians, is that Hitler and the Nazis were “right wingers.” In fact, Hitler and his party were left-wing socialists. The Nazis were “National Aryan Socialists.” The only difference between them and communists were that the former was nationalistic while the latter was global in scope. In fact, the body count racked up by the secular left during the twentieth century alone is staggering and unparalleled in history. What also goes unreported is that many progressives of the time, like George Bernard Shaw, were enamored with the Nazi party.

The myth that Hitler was a “right-wing Christian” began in the 1950s when leftist academics who had previously supported the Nazi regime began revising history to cover their butts. They successfully linked the attempts by fundamentalist groups to ban certain books from public libraries (like Henry Miller’s pornographic The Tropic of Cancer) to the burning of books by the Hitler Youth. But this is really the ONLY thing Nazis had in common with far right-wingers (and historians failed to mention that the Soviets and Chinese had also banned these books). For example, the Nazis were pro-abortion and pro-euthenasia, a position they took from Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who Hitler greatly admired. They also supported gun control and national health insurance.

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