
Johan Oldenkamp #conspiracy pateo.nl

The 2017 3/22 Celebration took place in London

The number 322 is on the Skull & Bones logo. The central column of the Georgia Guidestones was erected on 3/22 in 1980. And last year, in 2016, the 3/22 False Flag attack occurred in the Belgian capital of Brussels, as explained in the video embedded below.

This year, in 2017, the 3/22 celebration took place in London, the capital of the United Kingdom (UK). This is the story released by the mainstream media of what happened this afternoon: “An attacker drove a sports utility vehicle (SUV) into pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge, killing a woman and wounding at least 20 several others. He then crashed into a fence near the UK Parliament. Next, he attacked police officers with a knife, who then killed him. In total, four people lost their lives in the attack, including a police officer and the assailant.”

Immediately afterward, these very premature conclusions were drawn:

1. This was attack on the UK Parliament.
2. It was a terrorist attack.
3. There must also be bombs placed somewhere in the neighborhood.
4. The UK Parliament must be shut down and put on lockdown.
5. USA President Donald Trump must be informed straight away.

How soon can we definitely conclude that also this was an occult False Flag celebration of 322?

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