
David Meade #conspiracy planetxnews.com

In this article I’d like to look at the big picture–the really big picture. We are headed toward a glorious millennium, according to the Book of Revelation. A millennium of 1,000 years of peace.
But right before that time period we have to deal with the Great Tribulation. Planet X or Wormwood is part of the Great Tribulation. I’m speaking in very general 30,000-foot high-level terms here.
The Great Tribulation is all about opening up the Second Seal, among others. This is unleashing war on the earth. When this happens, the Antichrist figure arises out of the New World Order. That’s the main picture right there, folks.
The Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-2 appears on September 23, 2017 and at no other time within a 7,000-year framework of human history. It is the Alpha – Omega Sign of Revelation. Virgo is the first of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac and Leo is the last. They are juxtaposed during this fixed season of time. These are part of the 12 constellations, astronomically-speaking, that reveal the entire story of the Bible. This is not astrology; that is a counterfeit. This is astronomy. This is Genesis 1:14.
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.
The Great American Eclipse is our next to last sign. The Revelation 12 Sign is on September 23, 2017. But the eclipse was very major. Not many people followed it after it left the United States, but I did, and it landed out in the Atlantic where Hurricane Harvey formed.
Hurricane Harvey caused $190 billion of damage to the United States. Hurricane Irma caused $60 billion of damage. That’s a quarter-trillion of damage to the national economy, which will simultaneously bankrupt quite a few insurance companies. Not good news.
The eclipse coincided with the beginning of the month of Elul, the Jewish month of repentance. It lands 40 days later on the High Holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur. Most gentile readers will be scratching their heads at this, but in 1894 a Jewish rabbi and mystic said this would happen.
Written by Rabbi Moshe ben Yisrael Benyamin in Safed in 1894, the Yalkut Moshe notes that when a solar eclipse occurs at the beginning of the month of Elul, “it is an especially bad sign; it portends great storms and the great suffering of the kings of the East.”

What are the “great storms”? That’s Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and two others following. What is the “kings of the East?” That is the leader of North Korea, who will suffer great harm as he escalates threats against President Trump.
Jewish people and Jewish rabbis understand all of this much better than we do. And God is about to deal with Israel. The Church Age is imminently over.

Another coincidence is most interesting: in my book Planet X – The 2017 Arrival I delve more deeply into the transitions than any other book in existence. And I have been proven right–and right on point.

What my book is saying is that this Fall–the Fall of 2017–will see the end of this world as we know it. Don’t hold me to exact dates for now we “see through a glass darkly.” You know the month–October–and the year–2017. This is the beginning of the transition. The details of what will transpire are all listed in chronological order in my book. God is not a God of confusion. This all ties together perfectly this year only, not at a future date and not at any date in the past. This is it.

To the people from around the world who send me kind letters and information, I am eternally grateful. Of course, the other side of the story is that the press, as usual, often misrepresents me. But there is one British tabloid that writes very good articles about me. And I get email from a variety of people whom I believe have diminished intelligence and cannot understand anything. All kinds of groups email me. Those emails I don’t read, I just automatically delete. Some people encourage me to quit. My response is this: I will quit the very first day that hell freezes over.
I received a wonderful email from the head of Russian TV today who said they have coverage of 180 nations and 250 million people and will be sending a film crew next week to interview me. The DirecTV documentary The Sign airs multiple times this month on their documentary channel. These events far outweigh and compensate for the letters from the dark side. We are in a battle: good versus evil. This information is critical to spiritual and physical survival. The time left to get this message out is very, very short. The last half of October will see all of these events begin to transpire. September 23rd, as I have said before, is a huge harbinger. It is the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and it points us like a countdown to the last half of October. Watch October. And also keep in mind this not the end of the world. It is a transition to the Great Tribulation, when somewhere between one-third and one-half of the earth’s population will be affected by war, famine and the appearance of Planet X.

And for those of you who are serious about eschatology, I’m going to give you a cryptic hint: the Last Trumpet I believe is on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles–and that’s not far off this year.

John Moore #conspiracy planetxnews.com

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the alternative media, there has been a lot of concern over the goals and intent of the 2015 U.S. Military Exercise: Jade Helm 15.

There have been occasional reports (none I’ve previously seen backed by any demonstrable evidence) that the real reason for Jade Helm 15 is connected to Planet X, (Wormwood, Nibiru). Up until I received the following report, these previous ones I regarded as background chatter. As a side note: working in U.S. Military Intelligence the Fall of 1967, in the Republic of Vietnam, we had “background chatter” about a pending massive enemy attack to take place during the 1968 Chinese Lunar New Year celebration called “Tet.” I learned the hard way to pay attention to background chatter.

As of today, that’s all changed, I now have intelligence from a private, trusted source that Jade Helm 15 is, indeed, connected to Planet X.

The Russian, Norwegian and Brazilian Governments have all made some efforts to inform their populace about the pending danger from Planet X. The USA has not, and will not. The extensive (and very expensive) underground cities Russia has built in the Ural Mountains, the several large “ghost cities” built by China far into the interior of their country make no sense whatsoever unless, or until, you factor in the violently rising ocean levels caused by Planet X.

The U.S. Government has decided to not reveal anything about Planet X and to maintain control until the very last moment. In my paper “No Need For Panic” (http://www.thelibertyman.com/downloads/ — 0Panic.pdf) first written in the Fall of 2005, I stated that there would be some pretext to declare Martial Law. I’ve now made my paper a free download for all to read at my web site WWW.THELIBERTYMAN.COM

I made the point in 2005, and still believe, that the reason for Martial Law must be a pretext and have no connection to Planet X. The reason being people will “go along” with Martial Law due to race riots and/or an economic collapse and/or Islamic terrorist attacks as being reasonable and prudent. Telling people to do anything once they find out about the threat of Planet X simply will not work.

The three most likely scenarios for this pretext (as of May 2015) are a race war and/or an economic collapse, followed by Islamic Terrorist (i.e. ISIS) attacks. I would be remiss to not mention the clear and present danger posed by Russian and Chinese troops on U.S. soil and in nearby Mexican staging areas.

There is a lot of focus, by those of us in the alternative media, on the September/October time frame. While I have no crystal ball, I will advise all concerned persons to commence what they consider to be prudent preparations ASAP.

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