
Paqtrick #conspiracy politics.ie

The people who perpetrate these abuses love to be called Satanists and Devil Worshipers because they know people will switch off and cry nonsense at the sound of it and by this attention is diverted away from the true reality , The religion is not Satanism or Devil Worship, The proper name is Atonism an ancient religion which comes from 3500 BC Egypt and was founded by an Egyptian Pharaoh called Akanaton who was the father of Tutankhamen. Although Akanaton's life is well documented he is one of the least known Pharaohs and oddly enough he is never mentioned in most history books.

Atonism spread into what is now Israel from Egypt and was brought to Europe by the Knights Templar where many of is mystic elements became the basis for magical cults and secret society's such as the Golden Dawn and Freemasonry, There is a dark side to Atonism where certain elements believe that abuse,both sexual and physical even ritual sacrifice of children especially, releases magical energy's that empower those who perform the rituals.

The reason why there is a concerted effort in Ireland especially to cover up and play down this abuse is a testament to the stranglehold that Freemasonry has on our Political and Judicial system. While not all Freemasons practice these despicable acts ,most of the people who do practice it are Freemasons or are connected to similar secret and magical society's. These society's have made anonymity a fine art and have swore oaths of allegiance under pain of death to protect there brethren at all costs no matter what crime they have committed.

Many books have been written on this subject but its has long been known that Atonism has infiltrated many religious organizations and the Catholic Church is no exception though the extent is not known, Rasputin who was a self professed Atonist in Russia during the time of the Tzars made no secret of the fact and even famously asked for sexual rights to the Tzars children in return for healing there only son who was a Hemophiliac.

The Rape Crisis have made many statements concerning so called Satanic abuse and they have been saying for a long time that up to 30% of child abuse cases they deal with have occult connections but unfortunately they have long been ignored.

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