
FlipswitchMANDERING #fundie pro-lifedeviants.deviantart.com

Abortion is a topic I have trouble understanding why it is even debated. What makes me more perplexed is the same people who are 'ultra-pro-abortion' are the same people who are exploiting the deaths of Sandy Hook.

First of all, Obama's Science Czar supports Eugenics, Abortions up to the age of 2(I have even seen 3) as well as forced abortions and population control www.pop.org/content/president-— www.examiner.com/article/scien—

The liberals don't care about those kids who were killed in Connecticut. They were salivating at the mouth the moment it happened as this would give rise to the final straw in their anti-gun agenda. Infact, after the Aurora Movie Theater shooting, Bloomberg was already preparing propaganda for the next mass shooting, and the shooting that followed Aurora was Sandy Hook politicker.com/2013/03/after-a—. And Let us not forget fellow Anti-Gun-Nut, Rahm Emanuels famous quote "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" youtu.be/Rs6TgitlNIA

How can someone want to get guns banned for "safety" of children but love abortion and support a president who kills children overseas every day in what is simply poorly orchestrated coups( Obama Built this -----> youtu.be/ghnHqJBtZTs) . It's insane.

One of the most common arguments I hear for abortion is "rape" and "health dangers to the mother." We'll rape makes up just 1% of all abortions www.nytimes.com/1989/10/13/us/— , yet it is used in more then 50% of the "national conversations." Why does such a low statistic get so much reverence among the pro-abortion crowd? Answer: They are sick, and love to exploit rare tragedies to try and accuse the side they are debating of lacking "humanity." It is a sick tactic used by these weasels time and time again.

The main reason women get abortions is "because it would change my life." Getting an abortion because of that is grotesque. There need be no religious conviction in arriving at such axiom. I think, if Humanism "practiced what it preached" it to; would chastise penurious abortions for the abomination to life that they really are.

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