
Florida Breeze #fundie rapworlds.com

^ I'm basing this crazy assumption on a few things:

The blind masses that went out to vote in record numbers for a man they know practically nothing about.

The "savior" label this guy is carrying with him.

The fact that his name & campaign merchandise has practically become a symbol of a new movement in this country. I guarantee you his bumper stickers, buttons & t-shirts do not fade away after this election.

His meteoric rise from a FAILED state representative campaign 8 years ago to the Senate 4 years ago, to the President today.

His cultural background. The Anti-Christ is someone who is supposed to reach out to all people, and supposedly speaks in "many tongues". While this is not literal in Obama's case, it is figuratively.

Also, the Anti-Christ is supposed to be killed and rise from the dead like Jesus Christ. Everyone is wondering if Obama is going to be assassinated, or moreso, when. A lot of people have accepted it as inevitable. If he does get shot, goes into a coma, and wakes up from that (purely speculation at this point of course) or something to that degree, that will be a huge indication that this guy is the real deal.

There's too many questions about this guy and not enough answers.

And to prove how blind the people of this country have become...

They WILLINGLY overlooked these questions because this guy suckered him with his messianic approach.

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