
Chris Coleman, Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) #fundie rcpbml.org.uk

We feel overjoyed that the people of the DPRK and their leadership are seeing in 2015 full of hope and confidence in turning their successes into final victory. Our two Parties are full of the confidence that comes from our hearts beating as one in the struggle for the same cause. We regard your success and achievements as ours. In this respect, we express warm solidarity in support of your New Year speech. In particular, we assess it as very important that in the year of the 70th anniversaries of the liberation of the country and the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea, far-sighted proposals are being put forward for national reunification and for guaranteeing the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula. This is of great significance not only for the Korean nation, but for that humanity which is fighting against the warmongering and hegemonism of US imperialism. We draw inspiration from the response of the Korean people to the situation they face and their determination to march forward as one despite all setbacks and the complicated national and international situation. “Once again, our very best wishes for the New Year and for continued success in your work. We stand as ever shoulder to shoulder with you and the Korean people in our common cause of independence and socialism, and a future without war, a future when sovereign peoples everywhere will be in control of their own destinies.”

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