
Dr. Ronald W. Satz #conspiracy reciprocalsystem.guru

Do you have serious doubts about “modern physics”? Do you question the Big Bang, black holes, worm holes, the nuclear theory of the atom, Quantum Mechanics, neutron stars, quarks, degenerate matter, dark matter, dark energy, strings, curved space, the hydrogen-to-helium conversion process in stars? Do you question QED, virtual particles, and the “Standard Model” of particle physics? And do you doubt the existence of the “Higgs Boson” and gravitational waves and gravitons?

You’ve come to the right place! The Reciprocal System replaces all of the above with a completely unified, rational, general theory of the universe! Yes, the Reciprocal System is a “Theory of Everything!” It is a fully integrated axiomatic system and is fully quantitative and mathematical: the Postulates are inductively derived from observation and experiment; the theorems are deductively derived from the Postulates. Therefore, the Reciprocal System supersedes all other theories– All physical quantities in the Reciprocal System are expressed solely in Space-Time terms! See for yourself!

The Reciprocal System is verified scientific knowledge; for the proof, see the Database! Scientific “Establishment”: You may keep trying to ignore the Reciprocal System, but the truth will eventually out—.

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