
C. Michael Patton #fundie reclaimingthemind.org

God created sex. God created our sexual desires. Sex is good within the borders of marriage. For those of you who think that God is a killjoy for limiting sex to such a situation, please remember a couple of things: 1) God created sex! How could he be a killjoy? Think about it. The very act about which you are complaining is an act he created. 2) God knows better than you do what will satisfy you. It takes an act of faith to believe this, but it is not too big a step to take. 3) Most married Christian men and women who, like myself, did not have a very successful single life would love to turn back the clocks and do it all over again. And this is not because we are not forgiven . . . we are. It is because we know the intimacy which is lost when you have already given yourself to another. Our advice to you would be to wait. If it is too late, stop and wait. It is never too late to trust God in this matter. As cliché as it may sound, he really does know best. Fornication is really a sin.

Stuart James #fundie reclaimingthemind.org

<Federal judge rules against allowing school-endorsed prayer at graduation ceremony after an agnostic family complains>

You’ll have to forgive me for saying this, but as I hail from the UK, sometimes I read of events in the US that exhibit such animosity towards Christians and Christianity, it stuns me.

This is a good case in point, in which every Christian voice is legally censored at a graduation ceremony, in order to protect one atheist family from suffering “irreparable harm” and “anxiety” should anyone utter a prayer at the ceremony.

Is this not a form of dangerous madness, or am I overreacting?

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