
Steve Leighton #conspiracy sanfranciscoisatlantis.com

San Francisco is Atlantis

1.Atlantis was believed to be on the other side of the world.
During their time, what is now the USA, was the other side of the world based on the flat earth beliefs at that point in time.
Not too mention, according to some religions, the USA is still believed to be on the other side of the world.

2.Atlantis was extremely technologicaly advanced, we are extremely advanced by their standards.

3.In Atlantis people were riding through the sky, airplanes, jets, rockets, and all aircraft in general.

4.All technology working because of crystals, silicone crystals are the base of technology.

5.With people living in the sky, sky scrapers, and the US/russian's space station.

6.Atlantis dropped in to the ocean, San Francisco is well known to be at high risk of dropping in to the ocean.

San Francisco is very advanced, new products tend to be released here first because of the large amount of tourists and diversity of it's residents to see how well the products will sell. Even billboard advertisements have to meet high requirements, so that they match the cities high standards. If a time traveler went back in time after seeing San Francisco drop in to the ocean, that is exactly how he would describe it. San Francisco is Atlantis.

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