
TruthIsNeverTooHorrible #conspiracy scam.com

Modern History's most bombastic revelation: Father of current Illuminati's LEADER same as most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus & Muhammad

REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M shortly before the BIG BANG.
The same Prophet who revealed March 20 2013 for the first time in History the NAME of the current LEADER of Illuminati.
Current illuminati's leader REAL name matches exactly his uncle's name.
His uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.

Father of current LEADER of Illuminati
Accordingly to the official story, the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati was half-german and already at least 37 years old when he changed:
- his last name from [H _ T _ _ _ ] to [H _ _ _ T _ _ ];
- added a middle name, meant to be used attached to his new last name, that sounds exactly like the official last name of the current illuminati leader.

Mother of current LEADER of Illuminati
The official story about the mother of the current LEADER of the Illuminati:
- her birthdate is not precised and given only by an expression that once you google it returns as first result the wikipedia page about the current illuminati leader;
- although she was officially german, her first name is english and both her family names were the two most common french first names at the time.
- JEAN, the first of those two french names, is actually the first name of the most famous role interpreted by the current illuminati leader (Capitain JEAN Luc Picard).
This officially makes the current illuminati leader of 75% german descent.
However in his role in politics as "Dr. Ron Paul" (1) he is officially "87.5% of German descent".

FATHER of current LEADER of Illuminati in Facebook
Both (original and changed) official names of the father of the current LEADER of Illuminati are on Facebook and they display the same page.
As of today it displays NOT his photo but his mother's photo.
Although his son rules over billions of people, from more than one billion chinese to half a billion in all of North America and Mexico to almost another half billion in the EU, as of today 317 people like him.
That is an increase of two in a period of seven weeks, up from 315, when Last Prophet Matt Marriott posted this at godlikeproductions, a forum managed by the CIA Web of Disinfo, that deleted it shortly after (2).

Family life of the parents of the current illuminati leader.
To describe it, a 2006 article in the United Kingdom's second biggest-selling daily newspaper uses an alternative expression for "they married and lived happily ever after".
That expression was: "The couple [ E _ B _ _ _ _ _ D] on a peaceful existence".
As of today (and surely from day one of Google's existence) an exact Google search for this expression returns the Daily Mail page as the ONLY result among billions of Google indexed pages.
Part of their "peaceful existence" included naming the oldest son (the current illuminati leader) after his father's uncle, an "extraordinary choice" in the words of the previously mentioned 2005 Daily Mail article.

Real name of the current illuminati leader and TRUTH about the "death" of his father's uncle exposed
The previous revelation about who was the father of the current illuminati leader implicates that accordingly to the official story he has been the only person in the world carrying the name of his father's uncle ever since he was born.
But the previous revelation about who is the current illuminati leader contradicts this conclusion.
The current illuminati leader was born before 1949, his official birthdate, in fact before 1945, the official death date for his father's uncle.
Add to this his father's uncle didn't die the day we are taught by Illuminati History books. Reminder: the FULL STORY of this staged death was exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet.
In other words: the current illuminati leader had the chance to meet his father's uncle and after World War II they were probably living in the same area.

The father the son and the father's uncle
At this point it should be clear who is the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati (or in other words: "Sir Patrick Stewart"'s real name, the exact same name as his father's uncle).
If that is not the case, a transcription from the original article by Last Prophet:
As poster from Israel (country's IP is visible in godlikeproductions, supposedly a site for "Anonymous Cowards" without registration requirements) posts here, a reminder:
His son also rules over the treasonous Israeli government (Peres, Bibi).
The IV Reich also includes the locations for what WOULD BE South America's first Olympic Games (Brazil 2016) and what were Africa's first and LAST Football World Championships (South Africa 2012).
"Would be" and "Last" because there is no time left even for what would be the next Football World Championships (Brazil 2014).
The core of the father's official changed name sounds EXACTLY LIKE Patrick Stewart, the name his son is known today, and it reads almost exactly the same.
The father's uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.

(1) The role of the the current Illuminati LEADER as "Dr Ron Paul":
"he would be elected president of the USA WITHOUT having to rig the election using voting machines software, was it NOT for the fact that he plays the LOSER role in politics".

(2) The most bombastic revelation of the XXI century, by Last Prophet Matt Marriott, at forum for "alternative news" godlikeproductions, in fact managed by the Illumianti Web of Disinfo.
It was deleted shortly after by the illuminati, but the TRUTH survived in the internet archive:
Leader of astronots is himself one - REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M, March 2013

TruthIsNeverTooHorrible #conspiracy scam.com

Fake spacecraft New Horizon visits fake planet Pluto - mockery at the end of the show
To get this mockery of the "space travel" simulated reality to terminate the show:
Pluto was the first celestial body created by the illuminati, decades before the creation of the space travel hoax, as exposed first by Last Prophet.

BBC's reporter on 9/11 2001 announcing the fall of WTC 7 with the tower still standing behind her - repeated with New Horizon and Pluto
"BBC report on it ,behind the reporter in the US was a poster of the project. It was Identical to the picture we are being told just came through.
The Interviewer pretending not to realise she was still on camera was rolling her eyes at the reporter.

Here's What Pluto Looks Like From About 7,750 Miles Away
by Bloomberg Video 1:56 mins
July 14 -- NASA’s New Horizon spacecraft reaped the rewards of a nine-year, three-billion-mile journey on Tuesday as it sent back pictures from a close flyby near Pluto.

BBC remake - Near the end of the programme 45 mins in total.

ASTRONOMY FOR DUMMIES - The ONE BASIC FACT - read and weep about yourself
Any celestial body that can not be observed with a telescope located ON Earth, is fake.
This one basic fact implies that for instance Pluto (the first example among millions) is an invention created by the illuminati.
Decades later the illuminati used NASA and the soviet space agency to serially produce Pluto type of hoaxes.

9/11 was not yet the end of the show. The main goal of BBC's staged "glitch" reporting the fall of WTC7 in advance was not to mock but to terrorize the audience, as explained first by Last Prophet.

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Read this before clicking any more ISIS / Islamic State "news":

ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies
1. ISIS created by Illuminati (NATO & Co) to fight and discredit the real rebels in Iraq and Syria.

2. ISIS consists of mercenaries dressed as jihadists, supplied mostly by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

3. Part of the ISIS killers were originally trained as guards for extermination camps, part of the agenda genocide of 90% of the world's population.
Reminder it's scripted to start as soon as Obama detonates as suicide bomber, an act postponed several times since 2009.

4. ISIS parades, beheadings, crucifictions and so on, supposedly taking place in Iraq cities, are in fact filmed in Raqqa, Syria.

5. ISIS controls ZERO major cities in Iraq.
Mosul, Tikrit, Fallujah and ALL other cities bombed by NATO/Iran are controlled by the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries (GMCIR), not by ISIS.

6. NATO & Co is NOT air bombing ISIS, as Obviously implied in the previous facts.
NATO & co are indeed air bombing Syria and Iraq, but the target are the real rebels.

Added. The reason why NATO bombed Kobani, Syria, was obviously NOT to dislodge ISIS.
Goal was to destroy the city, part of the agenda ethnic cleansing of the SyriaTurkey border from Kurds.
Reminder: that's also the agenda behind Kiev's "anti-terrorist operation" in Donetsk and Lugansk (just read ethnic russians instead of Kurds).

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The Government is covering up UFOs

I lived a somewhat isolated life through the many years of research on the ancient astronaut of the sixth century, I now know the government is covering up UFO sighting. I was pretty much wholly unaware of what was going on in the outside world with respect to UFOs, alien abductions, and the like. I had deceived myself into thinking that my ancient astronaut theory was unique and well-substantiated, and that it would quickly find some recognition from among the world's intellectuals.

Recently, a couple of Secret Space DVDs enlightened me on the reality of aliens in our contemporary world. The two DVDs came to us via regular mail from a British film director, as payment for granted permissions to make free use of the material on my website for a future project or projects. From those DVDs, I learned that aliens are nothing special, that human history is saturated with alien invasions, hundreds of them, and that such invasions have occurred on every continent and in every epoch of world history. The alien invasions continue to this day. It seems that NASA and the US intelligence agencies are supplying this film director, possibly on a daily basis, with film of alien spaceships invading our planet, and the director quickly turns to display that footage to us.

Beyond the UFO films, it looks like the US government also provided this film director with wide-ranging top-secret reports, detailed reports from the US military on how they used laser beam weapons to shoot down several alien spacecraft, reports from US scientists on how they back-engineered the technology found in the remnants of the downed alien spacecraft, reports from US astronauts in space about spotting alien UFOs all over the place, and a report, evidently dating from the early 1970s, from US astronauts on the Moon about having seen a row of alien spaceships parked along the edge of a crater. It was unclear if the US government also provided the director with the faked pictures of the lunar landing in 1969 or if he got them from another source. In any case, I see nothing wrong with NASA trying to commercialize the historic event by selling fake pictures to cover aspects of the event not filmed directly.

The Secret Space DVDs revealed to me one underlying and undeniable truth: no branch of the US government, its military or intelligence agencies, has ever had any contact with aliens whatsoever, and no branch of the US government is covering up anything. When the US government initiated the alien disinformation campaign decades ago, it was widely believed that contact with aliens was forthcoming and that this could prove harmful. Contact with aliens is no longer believed to be imminent; nonetheless, the US government rigorously continues the disinformation campaign just as a precaution. Of course, contact with civilized aliens could still prove harmful. For example, it could harm the US government's plans to continue the slaughter in Iraq, and it could harm the US government's plans to put nuclear weapons into orbit. Indeed, with the need to come to grips with extraterrestrial life, people are likely to become far less tolerate of human beings killing each other, and we might also witness a surge in war protests from around the world.

I congratulate the US government on their brilliant alien disinformation campaign. Some of the world's top-ranked psychologists must have been hired to assist them. Fifty years of fabricated UFO sightings, false alien abductions, faked cover-ups, and so forth, have discredited the aliens in the public mind, to the point that a real alien, when and if one should ever appear, may be wholly ignored. In fact, this brainwashing of the masses campaign was so successful that if a real alien spacecraft were to come to Earth and then hover directly on top of the White House, they could probably succeed in explaining it away as just a secret experiment for presidential security.

In past times, people were burned at the stake for merely believing in the existence of extraterrestrial life. There seems to be less burning at the stake these days, but other than that, nothing has changed. Then, as now, extraterrestrial intelligence remains the most terrifying obstacle for war-minded humans. Naturally, the US government has taken measures to protect its military activities from all harm.

With alien spaceships now fully discredited, the only real danger for the US government is that an astronomer somewhere or another will pick up a clear, unmistakable signal from aliens in deep space. As a precaution against this devastating possibility, the US government, a long time ago, pressured the world community into agreements whereby, in the event any astronomer picks up an alien signal, that signal would have to undergo prolonged scrutiny by the US intelligence agencies before it could be announced to the world by the United Nations. SETI astronomers be forewarned. The US government does not take kindly to anyone or anything that could upset their war plans, and there can be no guarantee that the United Nations will ever announce your discovery.

TruthIsNeverTooHorrible #conspiracy scam.com

SYRIA chemical attacks v Extermination camps in Nazzi Germany

Illuminati Jokes: Angela Merkel, daughter of Adolf Hitler and Margarete Braun, becomes the first german chancellor to visit Dachau (1), the first concentration camp to be built by the Nazzis in March 1933.
The same day the illuminati order Assad to launch the largest chemical attack against civilians in the History of Mankind, in East Damascus, August 21 2013.

24 hours later dozens of videos in angelic youtube document the chemical attack that killed 1300 (mostly children)

If WWW and smartphones already available at 1936 Germany Olympics, Churchill, Roosevelt & illuminati media would dismiss the 'alleged' gas chambers
The unprecedented scale of the massacre by agent Assad poses no problem in the IV Reich, an empire where the Illuminati rule over human beasts.
The solution is as simple as to have the illuminati and their media play the "impossible to verify" broken record.

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from May 2013:
Bosnia and Kosovo in the nineties: illuminati manufacture "massacres" of "poor Albanians" by the "evil Serbs", with the climax at Srebnica, 1997, when ZERO was turned into "8,000 slaughtered civilians", after the investigation of Hague prosecutor Carla del Ponte.

Syria, May 2013 - illuminati tactic to react to the chemical attacks against civilians by their agent Assad is the broken record "alleged, not possible for us to verify, yet to be proven".
According to the illuminati religion's principle of "black is white" they go as far as to have 15 years later the same "investigator" Carla del Ponte state that "the rebels are the culprits" (2).

(1) Illuminati Jokes: Angela Merkel, daughter of Adolf Hitler and Margarete Braun, first german chancellor to visit Dachau

(2) May 2013: UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

survived in webarchive:
Fake war UK & USA v Hitler: Stalingrad 1943 was illuminati's *** greatest military defeat *** EVER

"Angela Merkel": cousin to the the fuherer of the IV Reich illuminati supreme leader Alexander Adolf Hitler, and daughter of the fuherer of the III Reich.

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(Conspiracy or Racist, I can't tell)

My guess is that Obama was ellected because Americans didn't want another retard or dementia suferer.
But largely, in short, Americans weren't realy informed as to what their other options were.

Ron Paul ran intellectual circles around all other candidates in the presellections, as did Ralph Nader, but they just didn't get the air time. They didn't pander to or have the media support, financial establishment or AIPAC.

Obama was the only plausible 'Presidential Material' candidate from an 'apparent' field of 2.

Did the fact he was black contribute ?

Sure; but so was Cynthia McKinney...

More importantly, regretfully, unlike McKinney, I fear Obama is a House Nigger, Whereas McKinney is a Black American Patriot.

Keep in mind that none of the 2 main Prez candidates or the others I mentioned appart from C.M. pushed on the 911 truth issue; and that's why she had the least support of all from the power establishment loby groups; and we all know who, voters aside, has the influence in $Billion ellection campaigns in USA.

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