
John Floras #fundie skyrimforums.org

(In the game THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM, the player encounters the Dark Brotherhood, a group of assassins for hire, and is given the choice of joining them and becoming an assassin, or killing them and destroying the Dark Brotherhood.

Joining gives you several extra quests and some of the game's best gear, while defeating them is a fairly brief quest with a large but one-time gold reward.

In this thread, people are debating the merits of getting the extra stuff vs. staying true to their/their character's morals, and the ethics of the Dark Brotherhood itself. Then this guy pipes up.)

i think the main problem here is atheism, atheists are far far more likely to join the dark brotherhood because they lack a lot of morals that people that accept god as their creator, god is true, i assure you that, ive talked to him myself, not with my lips, not with my mind, but with energy. lets face it, a lot of roleplayers are atheists and are gonna go to hell. i can go through this thread and tell you who is 100% a atheists but i wont but the majority are atheists so its only natural the majority are in the dark brotherhood..

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