
Socialist Rifle Association #moonbat socialistsephardi.tumblr.com



Firearms aren’t the cause of violence.

Here are the primary causes:

1. Patriarchy, toxic masculinity, male fragility, and male entitlement.

2. Alienation, social dislocation, lonerism, lack of human connection and solidarity, and the dog-eat-dog cult of the heroic individual that tells men that they are either “winners” or worthless and that getting ahead at any cost is *the* goal in life.

3. Nihilistic and neurotic consumerism that is empty and unfulfilling.

4. Economic desperation and changing demographics, leading to perceived anger, hopelessness, and loss of power.

5. Lack of universal healthcare, making support and mental health professionals inaccessible (noting the vast majority of the mentally ill are adamantly not a risk for causing violence, but rather at risk of being victimized.

6. Reactionary politics fed by conspiracy theories explaining the above.

There is one single thread running through each of these: capitalism.

Want to do something about Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Parkland, Christchurch, and more? Don’t fall for feel-good, easy do-nothing solutions like gun control, especially when doing so will be harmful to the vulnerable. Look at the actual causes.

To end gun violence, smash capitalism.

@SocialistRA | SocialistRA.org
Source: facebook.com/thispusheenkillsfascists

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