
Pauline Hanson #homophobia southerncrossaustereo.com.au


Jackie O: What’s your stance on gay marriage?

Pauline Hanson: What a person does behind their own closed doors is their own business, but the fact is I don’t agree with gay marriages, or gay’s adopting children, or invitro fertilisation, and I have a lot of gay friends that agree with me, and that that’s my view on it.

Jackie O: That is a pretty old fashioned view isn’t it, the younger generation are a little more for it.

Kyle: The young ones they don’t care, they just say let’s just everyone do everyone, let everyone come in, this country was built on immigrants, let’s just open up the doors and let’s just dance.

Pauline Hanson: It’s wonderful that people have opinions and views on these things, but the hard fact is at the end of the day someone’s got to pay the price for all this, people have to understand what happened in the past to discover this land, the diggers that fought for us

Kyle: Didn’t they fight for us to be free… so that we can all have gay sex!

Pauline Hanson: It’s not for me Kyle.

Kyle: It’s not for me either, but nearly every single but there’s a lot of friends I have… the main question that I’ve noticed is, it’s treating people like second class citizens, if they want to get married let them get married.

I’ll put it to you this way, once the marriage is recognised by law, then they have the rights to adopt children,

Jackie O: But they should be able to have children Pauline.

Pauline Hanson: But then you look at the child, have they been asked? You have a man, and then you have a women that’s what it’s all about. You think of the children as well.

Jackie O: Your old fashioned views… your generation won’t be around in 20-30 years time…

Pauline Hanson: And I’ll be quite happy about that too because I don’t like the way the world is going.

Jackie O: The new generation they’re a lot more open to it, I don’t think they’re as judgemental, if you’re in a gay relationship you absolutely should be able to have children.

Kyle: Pauline have you ever been in a lesbian relationship?

Pauline Hanson: Kyle! (laughs) I can’t even believe you’re asking me that question.

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