
The Steadfast Trust #racist steadfasttrust.org.uk

[The Steadfast Trust, an English charity for people of Anglo-Saxon descent, was deregistered after its far-right connections came to light. Here is its response]

AND finally in pursuit of the old British State and Empire policy of DIVIDE ET IMPERA:-

(a) That phrase “Black British” may be officially treated by institutions of the UK state including the Charity Commission as referring to an ethnic group that is to be afforded all the rights and privileges in law accorded to people of an ethnic or nation group. This is to be so even though the UK State, including acting by the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, officially recognises the phrase “Black British” to be referring to skin colour group – a group formed of people having a black skin colour whilst in the possession of British citizenship.

(b). That persons who are mixed or multi in origin must stay in the mixed or multi census group in which they can be put according to skin colour and/or race mix and as such cannot be members, let alone 100% members, of any other ethnic or nation group on the census form.

(c) That brown and yellow people are to be preferentially treated by never labelling them as such.

And these are just some of the God awful legal implications of the Charity Commission decision to remove The Steadfast Trust from the Charity Register.

We know – yes this really is an “you what?” moment and it begs the questions -” Is it meant to produce schizophrenia?”. Was it meant to put a poison pill into inter communal relations?. Was the purpose to wipe out of existence the indigenous communities of the UK by the stroke of a civil servant’s pen. Well you decide the answer to all these questions!.

The burden of having all this garbage sorted out has fallen on The Steadfast Trust; an organisation that has an income of less than £10,000 a year – that is below the level of which an individual is considered wealthy enough to pay taxation. The burden has fallen on an organisation, The Steadfast Trust, that has been intentional vilified in the public domain as being extremist far right, racist, national socialist (Nazi), white nationalist, etc etc etc.

Do trust the Steadfast Trust when we say both of these attributives of the Trust are massive, massive, massive impediments to getting access to justice and a fair trial in the UK. If this cup, for the sake of the English, would have but past The Steadfast Trust by and stopped at another door. It didn’t and so here The Trust must make the stand until it is relieved or fallen.

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