
takeprideinyourheritage #fundie takeprideinyourheritage.tumblr.com

At this point, we need to be more serious about seperating. Y'all think this shit is a game? Y'all think the answer to our prayers is Bernie sanders getting elected and enforcing more laws that’ll keep us safe? Newsflash: there are already laws for that! A law is nothing but a signature on a piece of paper when it comes to the value of black people in America. More laws isn’t going to change that.

There’s no reason black people should continue dealing with such mistreatment and hate. Especially if we don’t have to. The african American ethnicity is decreasing. With high abortion rates, crime in inner cities, the cops hunting us down, etc soon they’re going to be rewriting our history or just not telling our history becuase we’re going to be to weak as a people to fight or raise our voices.

It’s time to put up or shut up. “The time is now.”- Sandra Bland

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