
Sherry Shriner #conspiracy tearingdownstrongholds.com

The White House Is Going to Ban My Orgone!!

This is out of Rahm Emmanuel's office in Chicago...I got a heads up from a person out there.

The TSA is working with the White House to find a way to make orgone 'destructive' so they can ban it. They are going to close off a portion of Chicago O'Hare Int'l airport so they can test different ways to make bombs and use it as a way for a false flag...to blame the orgone!! I've been warning people I see them banning it in the codes...and that's huge confirmation!
He said they talk about it at all their global summit meetings...how to ban it..
I knew they did...just more confirmation!
He said the air is totally saturated with it, and it's crashing UFOs..
which, we already knew..but funny anyway
So they're trying to find ways to ban it, and bring in their 'masters'..
cuz the orgone's been a nightmare for their plans with bringing them in as 'angels' or 'gods'

I've seen this in the codes...and it looks like Sept/Oct could be the time they try to ban it, which means anytime then or before they will do some kind of false flag and blame it on orgone...
And probably has something to do with crashing an 'airplane' since they're testing the 'ways' at an airport...

Get it or Make it while you can folks!! There's not much time left!!

The Lord is raising up a group of Warriors to prepare for, and fight against, the arrival of the Antichrist and his forces on earth. Joel 2, Rev, 9 and Rev. 16 mention literal alien and demonic invasions on earth. The orgone will protect the Lord's people and their properties against them. The orgone to aliens is like garlic to vampires. It destroys them. WE CAN DESTROY THEM! By disseminating orgone throughout our towns, cities, states, and country we can make our land, air, and water uninhabitable for them! We can annihilate them by the millions!

Orgone will not only crash UFOs and destroy aliens but it will stop the high-tech weapons and towers the NWO is using to control and destroy you!

The New World Order Wants to Control and Destroy You!

The New World Order IS an Alien Agenda!

There is Danger in the Cell Phone and other anomalous Towers popping up all over the place and I'm going to tell you how to prevent their effects with Orgone Blasters and how to get rid of chemtrails and keep them away from your yard and/or neighborhood, town, city or state.

Stop the Madness!!

Stop the NWO from trying to Control Your Moods and Thoughts!! Stop ELF Harassment!!

Orgone is the KEY

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