
The-Hylian-Metalhead #conspiracy the-hylian-metalhead.deviantart.com

[A submission titled Gay Nazis.]

[Image of several shirtless Nazis sitting for a photo with a Swastika in the lower left and the text "That moment when you realized your teachers lied."]

I think numinouskind said it best when he said: "The upside-down pink triangle was actually worn by sex-offenders and rapists, nothing to do with sexual orientation. Just another Zionist lie."

NOTE: I am still a newbie to National Socialism but I thought I should make this and also I am not racist nor am I Anti-Semitic (I'm actually a Messianic Jew which is Jews for Jesus) and I'm (obviously) not Homophobic either, I'm actually Bisexual and I just thought I might post this.

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