
themaskandrose #fundie themaskandrose.wordpress.com

Womens’ “liberation” celebrated the bucking of the traditional female sex role paradigm. Instead of creating a new role for themselves, they largely simply tried to adopt the male role instead. To nobody’s surprise, this has resulted in increased female unhappiness, decreased interest from men in traditional relationships and marriage, and the dissolution of the basic family unit on which most of human society has thrived.

Just for a moment, let’s all do a thought experiment together. Before we begin, I hope we can all agree (based on all available science and rational thinking) that sexual dimorphism serves every species of which it is a trait. Each sex has a role to fulfill, which supports and complements the role of the other. This is clearly obvious, yes?

Good. Now let’s imagine for a moment, that all of a sudden, one or both sexes in all sexually dimorphic species decided that their natural role was actually “oppression,” resulting in the complete overthrowing of the system which was fundamental to the survival of the species as a whole. I want you to imagine all kinds of animals doing that—monkeys, horses, birds, dogs, cats—I want you to imagine that all of them suddenly have no idea what to do because they accidentally disengaged from the one thing holding their species together. Imagine some of them are so confused they no longer even know which sex they are, a pattern we are seeing with humans right now.

Now I want you to ask yourself, what would the world look like a day after this transition happened? A week? A month? A year? A decade, century or millennia? Really think about this, close your eyes and imagine the effect this would have on the ecology of the Earth as a whole. Just let your imagination take you wherever it leads and see a world full of confused animals that couldn’t even stay together anymore long enough to support the species in a healthy way.

This, unfortunately, would be the result of a world in which all animals took on a feminist ideology. If you were able to imagine the destruction I hinted at earlier, you might find yourself asking why this wasn’t more obvious to the people who allowed such poison to take hold in our culture to begin with.

That’s a great question, and the answer is that they knew exactly what would happen and specifically injected feminist ideology into our culture in order to speed its decay. If that sounds crazy–which it should–consider that this is exactly what the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion mentioned as a strategy for helping a society destroy itself. Liberal ideology is a very well-crafted mental virus and it is not an accident that it is currently undoing everything that once made our society thrive.

If we don’t stop this nonsense, we are going to “equal” ourselves right into extinction as a species.

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