
Jean Paul Romeo Rugero #fundie therisingcontinent.com

[Formatting in original]

I had some sort of apprehension about the speech of Rudasingwa as does the author of the following article on the same topic. However my question was more on some others of the former ambassador views not necessary reflected in his speech. I disagree with him for example when he justifies that RPF had to invade Rwanda in 1990 knowing well that the Tutsi refugee question was at the point of being solved by the Habyarimana government.

Another point of disagreement is on his particular request for protecting Tutsis from Hutus knowing again well that Tutsis extremists have always been in Rwandan history the troublemakers of any harmony that the country has ever had.

I just read the speech Dr Rudasingwa gave in France Senate, It is easy for an everyday citizen to see fairness and truth in this story. In reality the speech itself is a downgraded version of our history, especially history of Hutu population.


The very first thing i noticed is how he changed the timeline of Tutsi dynasty in Rwanda, by telling these Frenchmen that “Monarchial rule came under German Colonization at the end of 19th Century”. The truth is Germans only went along with already established Tutsi absolute monarchy, which was ruling Rwanda since 1450’s. And why would Dr. Rudasingwa make such an inaccurate statement? I don’t know. He went on by defining moments in 1959 with passion, once again within truth started appearing downgraded terms. Those small terms carefully chosen are the main explosive ingredient of our history.

The term ‘marginalized’ also means demean, depreciate, —by definition, it means to make someone or something seem not important or relevant. This choice of the term above, was used to set tone for what Dr. Rudasingwa was about to explain. By telling his audience that “The Pre-1959 period saw the rise of a marginalized Hutu”, it automatically discredits the 1959 popular revolution. Marginalized group are not pushed enough to commit to a revolution, marginalized people are not in pain enough to join a revolution movement.

Then to justify Tutsi (Inyenzi rebels) attacks in 1960’s, he added that the 1959 revolution marginalized Tutsis, massacred many of them, and sending hundreds of thousands (exaggerated number) in exile. This is no surprise as we all know. RPF members claim that a million people have died in their so called genocide against Tutsis, even though there was barely under one million Tutsi in Rwanda by 1994. So where did “genocide survivors” came from? Dr Rudasingwa proceeded with accusing the first Republic of closing political space to become one party state, under MDR-PARMEHUTU. This statement is far from truth, there has been no law abolishing multiparty system during Kayibanda’a presidency. Due to overwhelming popularity of MDR, parties simply grew weaker.


We must not stay silent, or settle for less. We must understand our rights and defend our revolution at all cost. It is a beautiful thing for a people to be liberated. Live long the spirit of freedom fighters of 1959, live long the freedom fighters of today, lets shape the freedom fighters of tomorrow.

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