
Pastor Steve Smothermon #fundie tonycooke.org

God demonstrated the greatest act of generosity the world has ever known when He gave His Son to become the sacrifice for our sin. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

When you are born again, you are given a new ancestry, or noble birth, from God. As a result, we become disposed to do things His way.

Before receiving salvation we have a tendency to do things in a certain manner—because of how we were raised, our experiences, and the choices we make. However, when we receive Jesus, our old disposition is gone and replaced with one that is brand new.

Now we have a desire to do the things of God instead of things of the flesh. Our character and personality are transformed to be more like the Savior’s.

However, if we hold onto our old disposition and decide not to accept our new ancestry, we remain in our common birth instead of living in our new noble birth.

I have marvelous news for you. Even if you were raised in a family with a myriad of problems and dysfunctions, the past can be buried. No longer are you able to blame the way you were raised, the color of your skin, or the abuse you endured. Now you are of noble birth and no more a victim of circumstances —unless you decide to stay one.

As a believer you can claim your “noble birth.”

We are elevated to the ranks of prince and princess in God’s family.

Because of salvation your limitations are behind you and you possess all the rights and privileges of nobility—including a generous spirit. Your new Father is the King of kings and Lord of lords. His giving spirit is now an attribute of your character.

Instead of being a victim, you are now a victor. You’ve exchanged being stingy for being successful.

Remember, the stingy or greedy person is closefisted, covets, and only shares reluctantly. It is an individual who is focused on his or her, wants, needs, hopes, and desires.

Since you are a new person in Christ, don’t allow the habits and patterns of the past to drag you down. Shed any self-serving thinking and become the servant God expects you to be.

Your very core has been transformed. You now have the ability to overlook injury or insult—to rise above pettiness. No longer do you retaliate when someone offends you. Why, because you have the virtue and character that allows you to rise above unreasonable people. You practice forgiveness and shower them with favor and blessing.

It makes no difference what kind of family you were born into—even if it was poverty-stricken. That’s the natural side of life. However, there is a reason Jesus said, “You must be born again.” He wants you to have a totally new life—as a child of the King.

With a new, noble birth, your entire DNA has been changed. Your past circumstances no longer matter because you have been given the privileges of nobility. God, who is generous, has bestowed divine favor on you and there are absolutely no limitations to your future.

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