
transgender-uber-alles #sexist transgender-uber-alles.tumblr.com

@Anonymous asked

[Lesbophobia doesn't kill? Ask all the women who've been murdered for being lesbians. Ask all the corrective rape survivors. Fuck yourself.]

no woman has ever been killed for being a lesbian. men love lesbians and it’s the most searched term in porn. that’s not the case with trans women. so please don’t open your mouth if you’re gonna say ignorant shit like that.

transgender-uber-alles #sexist transgender-uber-alles.tumblr.com

rape has to do with power. transgender people are the most hated people in the world, therefore they have no power over cis people. so even if a trans person forces a cis person to have sex with them, it’s not rape. cis women can’t be raped by trans women. to suggest they can minimizes the struggles of trans women in society.

[How dare you how fucking dare you. I pray that one day u realize how much this hurts me and other survivors.]

im sorry you’re a forced-sex survivor and i wish you the best, but it wasn’t rape. the trans person who forced you to have sex with them is socially below you in terms of power, therefore did not rape you. sending you lots of love and i hope you get better soon image

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