
Parah, for 'True Women of Righteous living' #fundie truenation.org

[The following quote comes to us through what I assume is a Messianic Jewish site. The stupidity here is floating atop a cesspool I dare you to explore. I did, and a lot of it -- e.g., the last lines of the quote here -- is stupid to the point where it's nearly unforgivable.]

I Love My Husband More Than My Kids

"Yes, you read that right! This statement only comes as a shock because we live in a culture where at special family dinners the kids have moved from sitting at the extra card table to the head of the table! Never think that you are doing your children a favor by prioritizing them over your husband. You’re not. It’s out of order. When can disorder bring harmony?

"First and foremost, it is your husband who has been assigned to guide you, protect you, nourish your bond and who is commanded to love you as Christ loves the Church! This is by far a much more superior love than that of a parent and child.

"In Genesis, it is written that the husband and wife are ONE flesh, not the kids and the mom. Our kids may come from within us, but we are not ONE with them."

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