Paul Simmonds #conspiracy
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The New World Oder, whatever you want to call it; is the epitome of evil. It will be built around herding people into smaller and smaller communities. 'Stack and pack' do not work. I live in the UK. People were moved into blocks of flats, one of which near to where I used to live, was over 20 storeys tall and half a mile long! Not even the Police would enter on their own! There was no community spirit at all. Nobody had neighbours. Well, they did, but once you were contained within your dwelling, you became isolated and insulated against all other human contact. The balconies connecting all the front doors were not like your back garden (yard). Neighbours can't meet in the morning on their driveway, or mow their lawns and chat over the fence. And because it was a breeding ground for crime, residents locked themselves away as soon as possible!. \nAlso, the NWO can never work where there is abundance. Money, fuel, food, water etc will start to become expensive commodities. We will have to work longer and longer hours just to make ends meet. The whole system will be driven by scarcity and once we are locked into that, there is no getting out. We will be debt and work slaves to the system!.