
Imperial Wizard Cole Thornton #fundie unskkkk.com

Let me tell you just how important the woman's role really is. Back in the day before women's lib screwed up things all around, the woman played a very important role in making the family the center of our being. God ordained the man to be the head of the family. This does not mean that He made the woman to be a servant to the man, but a help mate. They were/are to work together. He is to see that the family worships God, is protected, food provided, clothing furnished, a place to live made available, etc..She was/is to help him accomplish this. She also raises the children, cooks the food, even made the clothing, etc..She MADE the HOME. One thing that has always angered me to no end was to hear some moron say, oh, she is/was just a housewife. When we HAD housewives, or homemakers, our families were a lot better off. Mom saw to the kids needs, their schooling, that their homework got done, their illnesses tended to, their meals prepared, their homes cleaned, etc.,etc.,etc..There is no doubt as to why women's libbers wanted this to end as this was/is one of the hardest jobs on this planet if done correctly. It for sure was a 24/7 job.

Funny thing is, when this was done, many of our present day problems were so much less. Drug use was way lower just as were teen pregnancies, school drop outs, assaults, rapes, robberies, murders, you name it. Was Mom really responsible for all of this? I'd easily say you betcha.

These were the days when the evening meal centered around the family sitting together at the table, and not in front of the t.v.. Many problems, hopes, dreams, and questions about life were addressed here. The days occurrences were discussed. Also so were the wrongs that some did, and, why you were not supposed to do them and more importantly, what would happen to you if you did.

Imperial Wizard Cole Thornton #fundie unskkkk.com

Atheist churches? Yes sir, they are a reality now in America. Guess that goes along with a lot of the other odd American ideas these days. Others are open homosexuality, abortion on demand, same sex marriage, bi-sexual, trans-sexual and even queer preachers.

Along with all of this, look at our production force. There are miles of empty buildings that were once in full swing producing that which we now buy from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Mexico and a host of other countries. Meanwhile, unemployment here continues at record highs.

Still our borders are not controlled as illegal immigrants and drugs flow freely across them, while we spend billions overseas "protecting" other countries.

Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse and spouse abuse are common every day events, as well as murders, assaults, rapes, and robberies. Government abuse to the citizens runs right along with it.

One could talk for hours if not days on the wrongs in America. What is wrong?

Have you ever been in a real heavy fog? I mean one where you had no idea where land was? Totally lost at sea? I have and it is a most weird, uncomfortable feeling. It is actually really scary. Like being in a total, snow white out, where you are driving and honestly don't know what part of the road you are on or even IF you are on it at all. This is the way America is today. Lost.

We are lost as a ship at sea in a heavy fog or storm looking for a lighthouse. The lighthouse America needs is Jesus Christ. Some how, some way we have turned into a very back slidden people doing mostly the opposite of what the Master wants.

We see people of every minority imaginable protesting in Washington but, where are the Christians? When was the last time this country saw a real large turn out of Christians in the Capitol? It must have been the early part of the 20th century when the Klan marched on D.C..

We weren't there when prayer was taken out of school, or when abortion on demand was legalized, or even when Preachers began getting threatened or arrested for teaching the true words of Christ. What will it take to get the Christians to finally speak up? Mass crucifixions like they did in Rome?

One of the many put down comments we get from the public is how can you call yourself a Christian when you belong to the Klan? Easy. Because we ARE Christians. We are not haters of people but haters of evil. So is God. No, I in no way, for sure, insinuate that we are like God . We are all sinners saved by grace. However, God can not even stand to look on sin. He HATES it. That is why His Son had to pay a debt He didn't owe, because we owed a debt we couldn't pay. A sin debt. We are redeemed by accepting Jesus Christ and being cleansed by His sinless blood.

I have had people try to join who are Agnostic or even Atheist and were shocked that we turned them down. They realize we are serious about this being a Christian Order. The thing with the Klan is that we will not sit idly by and let these kinds of anti-Christian anti-American things continue without trying to stop them. We need good Christian people to join our ranks so we CAN go to D.C. in large numbers and have a real impact.

America needs to turn back to God and also needs to seriously repent. If we are not careful, God is going to take His protective hand off this country and what we have seen thus far will be nothing compared to what follows. Even His patience has an end and I believe He is close to it. We as Christians need to stop the fighting amongst each other as to who has the best church, the right service, the most behaved members or whatever to being a repentant people humbly approaching God and begging His forgiveness. As Klansmen we will continue the fight to see that all maintain the freedom and right to do this.

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