
Eric Sheppard #racist valdostadailytimes.com

(Selections from a manifesto and accompanying sent to The Valdosta Daily Times by Eric Sheppard last year.)

Memorandum Ultimatum

Let me Clear the Air and Set the Record Straight once and For All on Questions Inquiries Suggestions and otherwise in regards to this Entire Ordeal. We Will Determine who Is Truly Guilty and Who is Truly Innocent Throughout the Course of this Literary Revelation. Many still question the possibility of my surrendering to the people who call themselves "authorities". To Give you a Simple Answer, No! I will Not Turn Myself Over to Any White Man and I will Ensure this With my Own Will to Self-Defend and To Annihilate those Who Come After Me. These same people who you all know as "legal officials/police officers/sheriff/detectives" or any other falsified label of 'authority' only know wickedness and devilish behavior. It SHOULD be clear by now that this is a White Supremacist Nation Owned, Operated, and Controlled by White People. Yes it is ALL white people who help to maintain this wicked nation to a greater or lesser degree given the default status aided to them by virtue or vice of White Privilege. Thus all functionalities, codes, rules, policies, curriculums, cultures and social criteria created or concocted therein are Meant to Benefit Whites ALONE AND EXCLUSIVELY!


You Seem to have Forgotten, European, that You are not indigenous to this land or ANY OTHER land on the face of the planet Earth. You Acquired this Nation and All other Nations Through Afrikan-Indigenous Genocide. Cultural Thievery, Mockery and Demonization was and still is your Concrete Methodology. You have consistently invoked a Pattern of Perverted Pyscho-Sexual behavior and Persistent Brutality in every imaginable sector of society. You All assume Your Wickedness somehow vanished and dissipated yet everything you gained and passed down was/is a Result of those actions. You have still not surrendered to Your Victims, Afrikan people, the Rightful Owners of ALL that You Have. You All, European Descendants on the Continent and Elsewhere, fit the Definition Perfectly of Devils. No, not a False Spook Devil said to live underground in a fictitious fiery pit but a Devil here on Earth subjecting Afrikan people to a Hellish (Non)Existence. It is TRUE that Afrikan people are the God Body that gave you, the devils of the planet Earth, a Heaven (Civilization) which before our Presence in Europe was Completely Non-Existent. Not Only are We your Fathers and Mothers Biologically and Genetically in MOST Regards, but we are Also the Fathers and Mothers of Law, Ethics, Morality, Agriculture, Economics, Culture, Spirituality, Art, Mathematics and Every Conceivable High Science in Existence. It was Afrikan People who Pioneered Research and Explorations into these Fields of Knowledge long Before you even began to CRAWL on All Fours Much Less walk Upright and Consume Your Own Babies just to Survive in the Barren Land of Europe.


It is 2015 on the European Gregorian Calendar and you coons & house niggas are still giving white people a pass as though they have collectively or individually done ANY good for Our race. No your "white friend"/ " white coworker"/ "white associate" is not exempt from any of the Evils that the white race has authored. No not your token Tim Wise nor Jane Elliot, those devils get no passes either! Your Liberal Alex Jones and David Icke are just as Guilty. Although they speak MILDLY against the Wickedness your Race has Authored Systematically they NEVER identify the Root of All of It as Being their Own White Race. So Yes, Alex, World War Three Is Here and It will Be the War to End All Wars.....The Final Ultimatum Between the Righteous Afrikan Martyrs and Revolutionaries and the Army of Wicked European Demons. This is What You All have Created and You Shall Eat it Whole Without Liquid and Choke on its Bitterness. There is no such thing as a "good white person". To be Good is to Be Without Sin. However Your Children are Born into Sin because They Are Inheriting a Legacy of Wickedness and Bask in its Foul Odor just as You have Always done.


??Many of you all questioned If I was a Christian? No, and for you pathetic racist devils who love to jump to ignorant conclusions, I am NOT a Muslim either. I hate All of Your (European) perverted concoctions. I could NEVER participate in the ways of my oppressor. Even the same slave/slave-master handbook which you Beat us over the Head with instructs against this (Proverbs 3:31). It is Interesting what you find in that perverted text especially once you actually READ its content Thoroughly and Completely. In another part of the bible, which again I emphasize I have absolutely no subscription to, states in Exodus 21:16 "Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession." You Europeans have Kidnapped us from our Land through an act of Unprovoked War, sold us to other nations and bartered amongst each other with us and we are still held captive by this wicked nation disallowed to repatriate with our Native Land (in mass numbers) and in many cases made so deaf, dumb and blind that we are convinced to believe that Afrika is what you say it is (Undesirable), but is Actually the Motherly Sustainer of All Nations on the Planet. You put forth this Blatant Lie so that you can comfortably carry on your Criminal Colonialism and Resource Exploitation there. In another part of that sick doctrine it states in Ecclesiastes 1:9: " What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the Sun." So as You have Done so it Shall be done onto You. Every iota of every act of wickedness you have Committed; you shall be forced to re-consume back into yourselves. It will be like a gallon of Poison to an Infant Child. All things function in patterns. Just as there is a consistent and unbreakable cycle to Life, Death, and the Seasons of Nature so it is with the Rise and Fall of Nations and their People. History has shown us that No Nation has withstood its imminent Demise. You are living in the Times of the Destruction of Amerikkka. In another part of this same devilish text in Revelation 16:6 it states: " Because they have shed the blood of the Prophets (leaders) and of The Holy Ones (Afrikan People), You will be given your own blood to drink like water. They deserve it.” Europeans, due to their uncompromisingly savage behaviour, deserve the Very Worst Slaughtering and Consequent Death.

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