
Sorcha Faal #conspiracy whatdoesitmean.com

However, what brings this report from just being interesting, to being chilling in its implications for our World, is a Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (GRU) addendum to this FSB report detailing that, in fact, the United States is “most likely” now in direct communication with “ known interdimensional entities” and that the United States scientific facility where Dr. Oommachen was doing her research has long been at the forefront in establishing “contact” with what we know today as the “gods” of our ancient ancestors.

The US Department of Energy laboratory where Dr. Oommachen did her research is called the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory whose mission, they state, is to explore “the ultimate structure and dynamics of matter and the properties of energy, space and time—at the smallest and largest scales”, but, which the GRU reports is actually one of the most advanced projects in the World for establishing contact with other Planets, and Dimensions, at what they describe as “Tachyon Speed”.

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