
DWMcDarby #conspiracy wickedseed.blogspot.com

Federal officials tell us that China initiates appropriately three MILLION attacks against our national computer infrastructure EVERY day! China is in a process of war against the United States and its European allies. The war appears unbloody. But it's war nonetheless.

The People's Liberation Army is growing more powerful again today. It's political influence in the Communist Party is waxing. Those who seek freer trade and commerce with the world are waning. Everything in China is militarized. They are a people who are more hive-like. They function extremely well in the hive or with orders from the hive. They are formidable.

One should not be surprised to read in the not too distant future that the virulent E.coli outbreak was ordered by some high ranking military official in the PLA. While they probe, the seek to weaken. We are easily weakened because we have Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. She is useless in that position, having sold the attack on Libya to NATO and Obama. Europe, too, in the current economic near panic is easily weakened. Introduce a bacterium and watch them crumble. The Chinese know they're weak because communism and socialism have eviscerated the soul of the European people who, like Americans, are of a different, and more ingenious, quality than the hive Chinese. Europe has dismissed God from the political equation and the Reds know the ultimate outcome: chaos and decay.

Obama, too, is the image of boiled spaghetti to the Reds. The Dalai Lama was dismissed by Obama in order not to offend our Chinese Treasurys owners. Both US political stooges play their roles well to their Red Chinese overseers.

The result? The Chinese rise in the Far East. America and Europe have no will to stop it.

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