
Trusting Jesus #fundie worthyboards.com

It seems as if secular scientist just are out to disprove the Bible, and Christians are guilty of the same thing Eve was --- listening to Satan. The first thing the Serpent did was cause Eve to question God's word (Did God really say......), then he outright lied to her (you will not surely die....). That is the same thing that is going on today. Secular scientists are so busy trying to cause us to doubt God's word and fill us with lies that they leave science far behind. The make "discoveries" then announce them in headlines, but when these discoveries prove to be just one more chimp skelaton, or a species which died out millions of years ago is found alive and well, these points somehow are missed in the headlines. God's word is true. Man's word changes daily.

undone #fundie worthyboards.com

Hasn't Lucy been put to bed? Find a chimp skeleton and everyone goes crazy. Shows the desperation to even find one when they should see millions of transitional forms that have yet to materialize.

WhtSoBlind #fundie worthyboards.com

Teh only government God has ever specificly approved is a theocracy. People, including christians, can get mad at me for saying this, but actually in ancient Israel they were supposed to do just what second eve asked about: Deport or even execute unbelievers, particularly homosexuals, idolators, occultists(of all forms), and even harlots. Fact is, that is going to be the eternal punishement on judgment day too: eternal death, i.e. "exile" from the presense of God and from his new heaven and new earth. If people had actually obeyed and enforced the law of God in the physical, temporal world, it might be that a lot less people would be spending eternity in the lake of fire...

yes, I am a promoter of a Christian Theocracy, praise Jesus. Here and now if possible, but I will praise him when he comes back personally too. Throw away the Bill of Rights and lets have the ten commandments and the Beattitudes instead. Throw away the pledge of allegiance to the flag of america, and lets all pledge allegiance to the Lamb!

truespirit #fundie worthyboards.com

is it really our place to be conducting medical research? What if it's in God's plan for this or that person to be afflicted with this or that medical condition, etc?

In other words, if the goal of medical research is to offer a cure for those with disease, is that a cure at all? Really? Or are we actually going against the will of God in these types of circumstances?

blakcat74 #fundie worthyboards.com

The next time I saw her, she then talked about science and asked 'What if there was scientific proof that Jesus was never was raised from the dead? Would that change your faith?' I was astonished and replied, 'No, no scientific proof, ever, would change my belief about Christ our Lord being resurrected.' Plain and simple. It is a mystery of eternal life from God. We shouldn't question... just ponder and rejoice in faith.

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