Proverbs 29:2 should be considered when making a statement that being a Christian isn't the best choice. This nation was founded on the God of the Bible. Read Christopher Columbus notes! He said it wasn't compass that guided his vessel, but the hand of God! We are reaping the effects of a generation of illiterate people in history and Bible.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT found the United States of America, or even the British colonies that would eventually become that.
2. Christopher Columbus has a body count rivaling Hitler. No Godwin. You don't want to be upholding him as a shining beacon of Christianity.
Is "this nation" called Columbus-land? Was it founded in 1492?
You are clearly part of that generation, Patsy.
With the exception of the south coast of Puerto Rico, Christopher Columbus never actually saw any territory that now belongs to "this nation." And I'm not sure you have that much affection for an island of people who: a) are Latino; b) are unlikely ever to join the English-only movement; and c) have lots of debt.
@ Zachki
Body count rivaling Hitler? Unlikely. He was a tyrant when governor of Hispaniola, but there just weren't that many people who lived there.
Well, considering that Columbus was utterly wrong about the position of China and just had the fortune that America happened to be roughly where he imagined China to be, he (Columbus) might, metaphorically speaking, kind of, sort of, have a point there. Of course, this becomes especially ironic considering that Columbus, to his death, insisted that he found China and not a New World.
All these people pointing out that Columbus didn't found America, and nobody bothers to point out that he didn't even FIND the place. Leif Erickson beat him to it by 300 years.
Yeah, Columbus doesn't have a lot going for him these days, Patsy. Hell, we don't even know what he looked like - none of the portraits of him were painted in his lifetime. Find someone else to point to.
Christopher Columbus ... said it wasn't compass that guided his vessel, but the hand of God!
A number of mass murderers have said the same thing. So what?
We should all be forced to pray to God every Sunday, vote Republican, and persecute gay people because Christopher Columbus said that the hand of God guided his vessel full of Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock where George Washington won the battle of Gettysburg for Jesus.
We also need to save this country from people who are illiterate in history!
Do you really want to cite a genocidal slaver and shitty explorer, who was Italian, by the way, and died before the British thought of colonizing the Americas, as your source for why the US is a Christian nation?
And if we're not a Christian nation, why do we have Columbus Day, huh? And Columbus, Ohio. And that TV detective's name was almost Columbus.
Yes, yes we are... you see, illiterate people like you, Patsy, are why we have so damned many problems. If you read your laws and founding documents, you'd see that the "Christian Nation" thing is coming directly from the asses of people that stand to profit by that belief. If you ever actually read the book, you'd see that half of the bullshit you were fed over time is counter to the teachings of the religion you say you practice. And if you cracked a history book, you'd see that Columbus was long buried before the USA was founded.
So yes, I agree. We are reaping the effects of at least a few generations of willful ignorance and illiteracy. You are a perfect example.
So your argument in favor of Christianity is that it was the religion of a man who arrived at the wrong place (and never realized it)?
Right. Um... I think I'll stick with methods that get me to where I'm actually trying to go.
This nation was founded on the God of the Bible
No matter how many times you say it, that's still a lie.
>Christopher Columbus
>Central & upper regions of South America
"He said it wasn't compass that guided his vessel, but the hand of God!"
Thanks for admitting that your 'God' is inferior to compasses, Pasty.
>Ferdinand Magellan
>First complete circumnavigation of the globe
“The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church.”
-Ferdinand Magellan
Also GPS. NASA & the DoD - in putting up into orbit a set of extremely accurate clocks - would like a word with you, re. 'Illiteracy'; all their Ph.Ds & Professors.
A compass, sextant & a decent marine chronometer is all they had before that.
Someone's wrong: You, or the US Navy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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