About a week ago I was taken into what I believe was a level of hell. It was a nasty area, not too disturbing, but nasty to look at. It was kind of like a corral that has years of stomped on excrement in it. Most of it was dried up and it was all lumpy. As I was walking through this area I realized that my little dog was beside me and then he wasn't. I turned to see where he was and saw him urinating on the head of a skeleton that was partially protruding from the ground. As the dog was doing this the skeleton started to move a little. It was becoming aware and all I could do was look. I immediately "KNEW" that the giants of ancient times are rising again. That is the message I was given to post here. Time is shorter than we think it is if this is happening now, which is the information I was given, that they ARE rising now, not that they will be rising soon.
As I awakened from this vision every part of my being "KNEW" that the giants of ancient times are rising. This giant skeleton in this dream was probably about 15 times bigger than what is average now. On further retrospection of this vision I marvelled that I was not surprised of what I saw, nor was I afraid, neither was the dog.
This vision is not up for debate, as it was perfectly clear in its message.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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