(A fundie reviews a documentary about flowers on Amazon.)
Wow! I'm only a few minutes into the film and I had to stop and give it a review! I am suprised no one has reviewed in the one star area the ridiculous evolutionary propaganda in this film. Not to mention the incongruity of calling mating in insects "love". (Isn't reproduction just a force pushing along the evolutionary process?)
Is it really possible that some plant, somewhere, a few million years ago randomly sprouted a flower (smart little plant!) and it was such a good idea that flowers started making it harder to get to their own pollen by lengthening their tubes to make the process of pollination even more efficient? And plants even gained enough smarts to seduce bees into a waxy tunnel of their flower, drop them into a sickening sticky substance, supply only a single escape route where the bee struggles as the pollen is deposited on their backs, grips the bee until the pollen glue has dried and then allows it to fly off and go deposit the pollen in another orchid. Why didn't those smart little bees say, "No way! I'll go find an easier way to get my orchid cologne! Or I'll find some lady bee that loves me for who I am and not what I smell like!"
Can it be possible that the ideas in this film are presented as fact? Can it be possible that the highly specialized process of pollination and codependence of the animals that live off the products of the flower was a random accident that developed over millions of years and made the world what it is today? Just look at the complex beauty, intricacies, functions, and dependencies of life. And the silly flower in this film thinks it developed these complexities all on its own. Prideful plant! Foolish flower!
Turn off the commentary and enjoy the beauty and wonder of God's creation!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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