TheContrarian #fundie

I believe I've found a surefire way to secure peace in the region.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are strategic regional allies of the west and even though we aren't propping up a dictator in Egypt any more, there's a half-decent chance of a regime there that we can deal with...eventually.

The rest of the region...not so much.

So, a big lead wall from the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, the Saudi/Kuwaiti border and Turkey's borders with Iran/Iraq and Syria.

And we glass the rest. Jerusalem is a holy site for your bronze age fucknuttery? Tough Shit, it's a radioactive deadland now. Grow up and get a life.

Who the fuck is going to want to fight over it then?

And don't start whinging about the death toll, your pathetic "picking sides" nonsense has been contributing to that since 1948, my way is just more direct.



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