First people were asking Allah to aid the Peshmerga, some even labeling it a defensive jihad...and now some are crying about the treatment of the Yezidis.
Islam, jizya or fight to death - 3 options that the Sahaba gave every kafir village, town or city they came to. ISIS does the same and there's an uproar from MUSLIMS?
If the Yezidis are fleeing, what's the problem? They don't want to become Muslim, don't want to pay jizya (difference in opinion has been mentioned earlier) and those who chose to stay and fight were killed. Again, where's the problem?
Seriously, ISIS have plenty of faults for people to legitimately criticize but when their hate drives them to take stupid positions, such as we've seen in this thread, you know there's a problem.
As for the Peshmerga, why are the local Kurdish people feeling the need to 'defend their homes and land' such that they need to join a secular, kafir army such as the Peshmerga? It's not like ISIS will kick them out of their homes, go house to house and slaughter them etc. Did they do so in Mosul? Fallujah? Tikrit? Nope. What's wrong with simply locking your door and staying home?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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