Shar #fundie

Re: Christian Bakers (Boldface mine):

If you own a business, it is your right to decide. If it is against your religious beliefs and you do not want their money, then it is your decision. The alternative would be for the government to take over your business and dictate what you should do or not do.

Private business is different from government.

And yes, if there is a liberal who wants to not bake a cake for a pro life person, that is their prerogative. Don't sue. Go to one that does. Duh. Conservatives believe in businesses being privately owned and would simply go someplace else rather than wanting the government to make decisions for private businesses. A conservative would not sue and freak out.

If a Muslim doesn't want to make a cake for someone gay, betcha anything the gay person would not make a big deal about it.

The comparison to blacks is not the same. Sharona



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