Sorry about the length gang, but this one touched a nerve.
Who makes this shit up? And just how effing stupid does one have to be to expend their thought and energy on remaining ignorant?
The number of fetuses aborted pales, by several orders of magnitude, compared to those killed in war. And I would be willing to bet that a fair number of abortions can be attributed to effed up religious ideas. In many cultures it's a MORTAL SIN for an unwed woman/girl to become pregnant. So, in fear of religious punishment, they get abortions rather than let anyone know.
Only if you consider being more afraid of real live people, who might stone you to death, than an invisible God does "Secular thinking" have anything to do with abortion.
Also, Runner clearly has no idea what "Marxism" and "secular humanism" are. He just read them in a Chick Tract and thinks they make him sound clever in his ignorance.
First of all, most so-called "Marxist states" have been no such thing. Most have been military dictatorships which spouted pseudo-Marxian slogans to keep the frightened masses doing as they were told. In fact, I can't think of a single despotic "Marxist" who was anything but a psychopath who would warp any convenient philosophy to their ends.
Marx himself was a social scientist/philosopher and not a politician. He observed the evolution of European society and predicted one of the possible, and in some cases inevitable, moves away from "The Divine Rule of Kings". His work was descriptive and predictive, not declamatory. He would have loudly protested the crimes attributed to his work.
There was an aspect of Marx's work which holds true though. In a "Marxist" model the State is supreme. It's the Mother, Father, Ruler, God, Educator, Banker, Employer and everything else to all citizens. Conformity is mandatory.
"Secular humanism" is the very antithesis of "Marxism". Secular means that religion doesn't rule public affairs and humanism holds the individual supreme. Humanists encourage non conformity within established laws. If no one gets hurt? Anything goes. And that applies to thoughts and deeds.
That's why frightened children like "Runner" are afraid of everything different. They are afraid they might like something that's not in the Buy-Bull and they'll lose their seat on the celestial bus. Or,"Runner" shoved his fingers so deeply into his ears he suffered brain damage. But the sad fact remains that these poor fools would rather make up horrible lies, about people they'll never meet, than appreciate something beyond their everyday experience. What a joyless, soulless existence it must be.