In the interests of ensuring the law is objective I support women being sent to jail for raping men. But I really don't have any sympathy for the men who get raped by women (male on male rape is a different matter). I can't, any more than I would a drunken slut who gets used and abused.
Well, at least you get the idea that rapists should be punished.
Your attitude sucks, though.
You'd probably think differently if you were a victim, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Especally since PIV rape of a man is a near physical impossibility unless the man is really getting into the act. If you were terrified, as most female rape victims are, I think that your little wolf would be a non- performer.
Of course you have sympathy for male on male rape. The rapist bends you over and has his way. The male victim does not have to be aroused to suffer this rape.
It's posters like this asswit that has no problem shaming or sweeping under the rug that men can (and do) get raped by women as well. In my opinion, regardless of the sex of the victim and perpetrator, rape is still rape and the offender should be prosecuted.
"Especally since PIV rape of a man is a near physical impossibility unless the man is really getting into the act"
And you do realize that rape can happen through coercition/harrasement/manipulation in a family context rather than in the street under the threat of a weapon ?
And you realize that rape is not necessarily PIV and a woman is fully capable of inserting an object in someone ?
Rape is a disgusting thing, made even worse when ignorant peoples deny victims their status.
Well, no problem, then, if you are forced to have sex with a woman you don't like? Come on, you won't even contemplarse asking women you don't like out....
Not to mention that, as Ebon pointed out in one of the other threads, it's possible to force feed someone viagra. For that matter, I've been told that it's actually possible for fear to cause an erection by increasing the blood flow, and even if that isn't true, it's entirely possible (to the point of being a common joke) to have an erection unintentionally.
Actually, simple physical stimulation can cause a mechanical erection (or lubrication, for a female victim), and that's not even getting into the fact that violent emotions like fear or disgust also can cause an unvoluntary erection.
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