(responding to being called out on anti-gay statements)
I aint upset about what anybody said. I know in whom I have believed! What I don't like is the monitors bias on what they choose to delete. All I ask is that they level the field. Cant shut me up after someone throw a punch at me! That, is the type of injustice blacks have faced through out Americas history. Now it has turned on Christians! It will only get worse as this wicked world comes to a close. btw: you will never be a Christian because you dont want to obey and follow the truth!
"Waah! We can't persecute others anymore, so we must be persecuted! Waah!"
If Christians are ever enslaved, treated like second-class citizens, and always assumed to be criminals, then we'll discuss persecution.
More DARVO and whining about actually being challenged when making a claim. Yawn.
@Thinking Allowed
That image needs to be copy-pasted onto every page here to save time, because it really is the perfect response to nearly everything FSTDT has ever had.
"That, is the type of injustice blacks have faced through out Americas history."
There's a huge difference between "I want the right to vote" and "Those crackers deserve what they get". Deegeescross2 needs to learn what that is.
"More DARVO and whining about actually being challenged when making a claim. Yawn."
Oh, I hear you regarding the whining. *rolls his eyes* What's DARVO stand for, though?
You guys really want to read the whole comment thread. This is actually quite mild and coherent compared to the other posts by this person.
Oh and a DARVO thread where Reynardine doesn't call DARVO?
*Lpopman looks out the window to see if the apocalypse has started*
you will never be a Christian because you dont want to obey and follow the truth!
What truth is that? Faith and works, or faith alone? Baptized at any age or baptized only after attaining the "age of accountability"? Easter using the Gregorian or Julian calendar? Jesus' body and blood actually present at the Eucharist or not? Apostolic succession or priesthood of believers? Cross or crucifix? King James Bible or the Vulgate? 1 Maccabees, 3 Maccabees: one, both or neither? "For thine is the kingdom ...": in or out? Intercession of the saints in heaven: valid or nonsense? Trinity or no? Jesus: created by God or consubstantial with Him?
"What I don't like is the monitors bias on what they choose to delete. All I ask is that they level the field. Cant shut me up after someone throw a punch at me!"
There's a good reason why the phrase 'Mods are Gods' exists.
But hey, you want to piss off the Admin , you go right ahead. Three letters, cuntbrain: T.O.S.
In an anime forum I was a member of, it was a permabannable offence for religious types to proseltyse/preach morality/etc to anyone else (even in PMs). And isn't what you're doing being biased against those who don't want to hear your fundie bullshit?!
I aint upset
I know in whom I have believed!
after someone throw a punch at me!
That, is the type
Aint, whom, throw, That [followed by a comma].
It's interesting how somebody can learn how to use "whom" correctly, but still makes a multitude of other elementary mistakes:
- "Aint" [apostrophe is missing] instead of "I'm not".
- "Throw" instead of "has thrown".
- Separating the subject "that" from the verb "is" with a comma.
Being called out on your attempts to persecute others does not, in any sense of the word , constitute persecution of either you or christianity in part or in whole. Moreover, to compare the momentary inconvinience suffered by your almost certain violation of Huffington Post's TOS to the centuries of slavery and real actual persecution suffered by african americans is laughable at best.
Fear not, deegeescross2, the moderators have given you your own separate but equal place to leave your comments. It's in the back, near the kitchen.
From the same guy: "He forgave all mankind and has offered eternal life as a free gift. All He asks is that you bow down and take it!"
Why? I just bought a new grill. It included free set up and delivery. Now, did the store manager say (dropping his pants) "Oh ... but wait a minute. If you want the free delivery you have to bow down and kiss my bare butt. Otherwise, it's $45"?
If Jesus wants to give us eternal life, why doesn't he just do it and shut up about it? Why does he add groveling to him or God as a condition?
[That, is the type of injustice blacks have faced through out Americas history.]
Straight, white, christian men aren't being persecuted.
"That, is the type of injustice blacks have faced through out Americas history."
Now hat atheists have made it illegal, christians have turned on gays. And they're whining and crying that this target is also being taken away from them.
As a Christian and an African-American, I can certainly relate to this, but it might be too strong of a statement. While I was born a decade after the civil rights movement, my parents were civil rights activists. During their generation, we were often forced to use facilities away from the rest of American society, could not eat at certain establishments or play golf on the same golf course as whites and our children were not allowed to go to school with white children. So far, we are fortunate that Christians are not treated this way in modern America, but we need to be vigilant and learn a lesson from the past about what can happen when discrimination runs wild.
America is slowly but surely turning into hell. In hell, Christians are loathed and hated; in America, Christians are also loathed and hated. In hell, sodomy and homosexuality are embraced as part of daily life; in America, sodomy and homosexuality are also embraced as part of daily life. In hell, the gospel is silenced; in America, the gospel is silenced. This is a dangerous course we're on.
So, you have to obey and ignore everything outside to be a Christian?
Sounds like slavery to me, you Tom.
Figures. You've climbed to the top of the heap, so NOW it's perfectly alright to treat people like things and hate on them, to consider them animals you can Lord over.. as long as you aren't the target.
Shit like that is WHY fundies are hated. Not Christians. Fundies.
It's no secret as to why that is so, His4life, considering the misdeeds of your fellow Christians. If you really want someone to blame, blame yourselves and your inconsistencies, your dishonesty (especially in playing the victim when you have all but expressed your wish for harm on everyone else, if not your desire to inflict said harm), and your lust for total domination of humanity. Again, the minor inconvenience of being called out on your shameful behavior is nothing compared to the suffering you have inflicted on the rest of humanity. To whinge about it after what you have done, and continue to do, is even more shameful than that, and that is all I have to say on the matter.
Have you ever been to Hell? I mean, you claim that, in Hell, "sodomy and homosexuality" are "embraced as part of daily life."
That's a new one, to me, considering basically every other heterosexist Christian I've encountered believed that homosexuality was a sin, punishable by Hell. I would think that it wouldn't be a very effective punishment to send someone somewhere where the thing they're not supposed to do is embraced.
So I figure, you must've been Downstairs in order to have found this out.
You are not being persecuted. Society is just changing, and you might not like where it's going. I recommend you sit back and reflect on both history and progress for a while.
@ His4life
How exactly are Christians loathed and hated? You guys make up 80-90% of the population, the majority of the legislature and judiciary are Christians, the President is Christian...
Bearing in mind that once again, taking away your ability to persecute others doesn't count as persecution.
Accepting homosexuals is not automatically persecution of Christians
Atheissimo, there are many who claim to be Christian, but how many are really living out their faith? If America had a true Christian majority, we would not even be having this discussion about homosexuality.
Look at the people we esteem more highly in American society today - are they pastors, bible teachers, prophets, missionaries or men and women of God? No. Generally speaking, we esteem and hold up the very same people who will have front row seats in hell - people like Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Manson, or Barack Obama. America is not a Christian nation or Christian society; it's a society that is still holding on to its Christian roots, but has already lost the fight to retain Christian virtues as the centerpiece of life.
Also, I don't see much evidence that Obama's claim to be Christian is true. I hope that he is and I have to be honest - I actually like the guy as a person. I think he's fairly honest and probably does believe that he's doing the right thing most of the time. However, Jesus said "you will know the tree by its fruits." Where is Obama's Christian fruit? The only fruits I see him promoting are the ones that live in San Francisco...
I didn't know Obama was against gay marriage. I'll have to look into his position more closely. My understanding was that he was in favor of it, but might be doing it in incremental steps - for instance, why did he repeal DADT if he's not in favor of homosexuality? Something doesn't add up here.
"No, I mean that if he claims to be a Christian, then why isn't he walking the walk?"
And by 'walking the walk' you mean espousing the same mindless, bronze age bigotry as you do.
Fucking sociopath.
@Danarth - my apologies for stealing your comment. :)
Why? Because all around, the other pillars are falling to the microscope of science. Old earth, biological evolution, geology, astronomy... All of these sciences are tearing away the old words as truth. All that is left are the soft sciences eg phisiology and psychology. Science has not yet provided the answer to "why the gay".. And so the God of the Gaps remains for that purpose. The Abrahamic religions can still fall back on "God said they're icky so I believe it.". When science has figured that one out, they will just have to draw back to their next set of goalposts.
His4life: it is beautiful that your parents were part of one of the greatest moments in the last 50 years. I am gladdened by the successes that the generation before ours has had. Largely for those efforts, I have wonderful melanin-strong friends that I consider the most beautiful on the planet, inside and out.
Your religion was used to justify the worst atrocities our country has ever committed, and they were almost unanimously against your own direct ancestors. Let me repeat that: your own religion was used to justify your great grandparents being in chains.
And now, your own religion is being used to justify hatred and persecution of someone else. Why do you tolerate that? How can you not have empathy for those people for being hated due to their differences? How can you personally justify that to yourself?
Toothygrin, thanks for sharing your thoughts. The Bible has always been twisted by those who love evil behavior; remember, even the devil can quote sripture when it suits him. While it's true that many in the segregation and racism movements have used scripture to justify their believes, it's important to keep in mind that the civil rights movement was also largely Christian led. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist pastor. Abernathy, Jesse Jackson, and many others were also ordained pastors. So it's not a clear cut issue.
As far as homosexuals go, I do not hate homosexuals or advocate for them to be discriminated against at all. My church welcomes gay members and we have several gay couples in our church. Our pastor simply preaches from God's word and all of us are confronted by our sin from time to time - including those homosexuals who choose to worship with us. It's up to them how they respond to the Spirit's leading once they've been convicted of their sin. But, I am the greatest of all sinners as Paul said and I am also convicted of sin daily. I do my best to follow Christ but without his grace I am nothing. That grace is as equally available to gay people as it is to me and they are not outside of God's forgiveness. I believe we will meet many gay people in heaven.
@ His4Life
You're starting to grasp at straws here. As that lovely image shows, you and your brethren don't suffer anything remotely resembling hardship. Even now, you've been forced to admit that my brothers and sisters are welcome in your church, and in Paradise as well. I only hope you can open your eyes and see the purity in your fellow human and not some abomination as defined by an arbitrary dogma. Not all shackles are iron, and indeed it is the weakest that are.
"I do my best to follow Christ but without his grace I am nothing."
My, my, but you are a good little brainwashed christian, aren't you?
Vitriol aside, you bypassed the question, @His. You don't promote or advocate it directly, yet you tolerate it. Evil is done when good People let it happen without speaking up. Preachers of your own religion, both melanin-deficient and otherwise actively preach evil being done to gays. Since preachers call it out, you accept it. You tolerate it, even though you may know it to be evil.
I don't care whether you call yourself a sinner. All of your so-calls sins are not going to hurt anyone else. I've seen enough posts by you to know that you are not an evil person.
But the vitriol coming from the people that speak for you - your prachers and pastors - actively promote disgust and distrust of others simply because they are different.
I ask again : how do you tolerate that, knowing that your own parents were active in fighting against that very action?
ToothyGrin, I don't. My point in mentioning that my church has gay members was to highlight the fact that I do not associate with "Christians" who advocate violence or descrimination against gays. There are bad apples in every religion; comparing me to hate-filled preachers is just as intolerant as comparing every Muslim against Osama Bin Laden. Maybe you need to spend some time around real, devout Christians who care about their neighbors and want to do good in their communities before making a hasty judgment call.
I grant that I may have assumed more than I should. However (and I fully realize I am using tu quouqe when I say that you have also assumed much), during your comparison of the us to Hell itself stating Christians are loathed and hated; in America, Christians are also loathed and hated. .
To use a simile of something we often read here, we do not hate the Christian, we hate the dogma they accept. In this case, the dogma is that gays are somehow unworthy of other human rights and kindnesses.
But that's the view of an extreme minority, Toothy. The standard belief is that we are all sinners (gay, straight and everything in between), but God's grace is freely available to all who accept it, including those who are gay.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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