Cherrypicking is not allowed in Islam. A person who cherrypicks is considered a hypocrite and their fate is worse than non-believers.
"Moderate Muslims" are either ignorant Muslims who don't know much about Islam (these are usually the same people who are pro-secularism and anti-Shari'ah) or those who truly are hypocrites (and these are also pro-secularism and anti-Shari'ah but they deny core beliefs of Islam as well, because this allows them to cherrypick).
Christians can choose to not follow the laws of the Old Testament or basically any law because their religion is a faith alone religion. Islam is not a faith alone religion, but also a religion of deeds.
And if you sincerely want to know about Islam, you would avoid bagodix and his exaggerations. Go to a Muslim website or even a Muslim forum and ask all the questions you want. You can even ask things that you believe are controversial but you won't be getting much done here because bagodix will use his trusty JihadWatch to support his viewpoint. He still hasn't shown why he is right and anti-Semites are wrong.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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