The more we stray from our traditional Jewish path, the more confused we get. Now we have sects of Judaism that alter Jewish law to meet the ever-changing winds of society. As a result, we get results like women lesbian rabbis and shrimp cocktails at interfaith weddings. And who says boys need a brit milah anymore? Don't you know it's barbaric and cruel?? And why can't girls count towards a minyan and wear tefillin? Aren't we all equals??
There is no end to the madness. It's a bottomless abyss once you start sliding to the left. Every day, we are in a spiritual war, even greater than the war of Gog and Magog. This war is a war for our souls and the souls of all future generations. We must realize that the pull of assimilation into gentile culture is very deceptive. It is alluring and enjoyable, and before a person realizes it, relaxing one or two seemingly minor observances leads to a completely non-observant life. The thing we have to understand is that it's not our lives that will end up non-observant. It's the lives of our children and grandchildren!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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