I like how they all assume that penis + girl's dorm = rape, even if that penis has been surgically removed and the testis shaped into a pseudo-vagina. If this person lives as a girl, feels like a girl, dresses like a girl, looks like a girl, acts like a girl and identifies as a girl, is it really that difficult to show some respect and refer to her as a girl? Same goes for f2m transsexuals. Plus, if a post-op m2f individual is living in the boy's dorm, wouldn't they be at risk of sexual assault? Do you really think that they're going to want to have to shower with a bunch of men, share a room with a guy, etc.?
Gender isn't as simple as X vs Y. Other parts of our genetic code, cultural influences, the way we are raised, and so on all contribute.
If a person's quality of life is improved by going through sex re-assignment, what is the big issue? If it doesn't hurt you or anyone else in any way, who are you to tell them what they can and can't do with or to their own bodies? What gives you the right to demand that someone live their life in a certain way, or to demand that they be miserable, trapped in the wrong body, just because you can't understand what it's like to be uncomfortable with who or what you are? Do you honestly believe that your discomfort in seeing a man becoming a woman or a woman becoming a man is greater than the discomfort one might feel while trapped in a body that doesn't match how they feel on the inside? Why should they spend their entire lives being miserable just to avoid making you feel uncomfortable for a few minutes?
Although I am not transgendered, all it takes for me to be empathetic to these people's situation is a few moments of imagining how I'd feel if I suddenly woke up in a male body tomorrow. I am female, through-and-through, and that personality certainly wouldn't change if I suddenly had a penis. I'd be miserable if I was physically male. I can't say I know exactly how someone with a gender identity disorder feels, but I do understand enough to know that they have every right to do whatever they can to finally be the person they feel like on the inside. It's just too bad that people like Diane Gramley and Caleb H. Price are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.