Anna Diehl #fundie

The definition of godly humility is a sincere revulsion for anyone other than God to be glorified. Humility is for humans. Glory hogging, boasting, and soaking up the admiration of others are for Gods. Our Creators are all about exalting Themselves, and Jesus wasn’t shy about flaunting His flawless devotion to Yahweh or showcasing His own awesomeness as a second God. For every time we find Jesus saying that He’s acting under Yahweh’s Authority, we find plenty of other times where He leaves Yahweh out of it and just exalts Himself. When speaking of eternal judgment, Jesus often only describes Himself as the One deciding who gets to come into Heaven and who will be thrown into Hell. When Jesus rolls out the visions in Revelation to John, He is the main Star of that show and He soaks up all kinds of accolades as He dazzles John in several different supernatural forms. So let’s not buy into these ridiculous theories that Jesus was some sweet talking pushover who just sat around blessing little children. In reality there are hardly any accounts of Jesus interacting with children in the Gospels. If our artwork about Jesus was more accurate, we’d have a lot less paintings of Him holding children in His lap and a lot more paintings of Him telling off some crowd of fuming Pharisees.

Jesus was a sharp tongued Rebel who modeled for us that serving our Gods will sometimes have nothing to do with “speaking the truth in love”. It is submission that Jesus demands from us—the kind of submission that puts no limits on how we are willing to serve our Kings. Sometimes we’ll be called on to eat abuse as Jesus did in the hands of His captors. But other times we’ll be told to go in and start fights. When Isaiah and Jeremiah stood on street corners shouting out offensive messages, they were being peace destroyers, not peacemakers. Before we can properly imitate Christ, we need to take an honest look at the model that Christ gave us. He modeled unconditional obedience and total submission to Yahweh. 



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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