Sami_ #fundie

I really can't disagree with torture on the basis of the pain/anguish it causes, human beings are resilient and I think we're becoming very soft and squeamish to such things. The only real arguments that I think hold value on the subject and are relevant to the opposing side are related to effectiveness. The question of torturing innocents is all down to competency of the individuals involved and really have nothing to do with the issue of torture itself and as I stated; humans are resilient - we can handle it. and I think we're becoming very soft and squeamish to such things.
Better for one man to feel such pain than a thousand innocents later on

I don't find anything morally objectionable about using torture to obtain information that will save lives.

Given the choice between inflicting temporary pain on one person to save the life of another I'd take the former without a seconds thought.

[ Trying to logically argue the value of compassion or empathy to someone is pointless. Either they have it or they don't. For many torture supporters the feelings of protection and pound of flesh retribution gained from the practice more than overrides any sense of compassion or fair play they may have. As long as they don't know who is being tortured and it isn't directing impacting their lives the suffering imposed on others isn't important to them. ]

It has nothing to do with a "pound of flesh" or "retribution gained". Maybe you should stick to your own feelings on the subject rather than trying to tell me what mine are, because none of what you just wrote is correct.

[ Is torture okay when you are unsure whether the person you are torturing has the information you need? ]

Yes, again we're weighing temporary pain for a very short time against a persons life.

Every country has examples of innocent people going to jail for crimes they didn't commit (A-Team lolol) and I'm sure those people had lasting psychological effects but we don't stop sending people to jail because we might be wrong.

[You also didn't answer my question about an innocent who lies under torture to make it stop. Is that a crime or not? Should an innocent who is totured be able to sue for being tortured, or is that just the cost of keeping or nation "free"?]

No I don't consider it a crime to falsely confess under duress and no I don't think an innocent who is tortured should be able to sue.



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