As for what "good science" is, I think he means science based on observation, as opposed to observations based on science. That's actually where the theory of intelligent design came from -- science based on observations. Objective science. The only reason I don't like intelligent design is that they come short of saying "In the beginning God created..."
Surprise, ID isn't good enough for the uber-fundies.
Not that the majority of fundies get it but the hidden punchline is ID is basically Deism. But then again so is the God mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, but fundies don't get that either.
WRONG!!! ID is a religous idea, based on conclusions with no observations, and it's only purpose is to refute real science that is based entierly on evidence, observation, and critical thinking.
Science based on observations?
You mean, you read the bible, observe that Creationism is an untenable position, without supporting evidence. Then you observe that a scientific theory is constantly subject to peer review, and create a god of the gaps.
That is not science, little Paulie.
Observations on what, on a list of papersheets called KJV Bible?, because we see fossiles, not speaking snakes or paradises.
"As for what 'good science' is, I think he means science based on observation, as opposed to observations based on science."
Both are valid if used together correctly. What is truly BAD science is what the "creation scientists" often do, which is to draw a conclusion, then construct a "theory," and ignore the lack of supporting evidence for their conclusion.
"That's actually where the theory of intelligent design came from -- science based on observations."
No, the "theory" of ID came from the Bible and the wishful thinking of a bunch of saps and knuckleheads.
"Objective science."
ID is not objective. It ignores mountains of evidence that support the ToE, and it was created with the primary goal of being compatable with the Bible. Bad science, or, more correctly, not science.
"The only reason I don't like intelligent design is that they come short of saying 'In the beginning God created...'"
The only reason I don't like you is that you're an ignorant, Fundie asshat.
I just can't stop laughing at the title they give their theory. "Intelligent" design.
So why do humans intake nourishment and air through the same orifice, making us capable of suffocating by accident? Why do humans have such cruddy senses of smell, sight and hearing compared to other species? Why are our reproductive and excretory - never mind, not going there. None of that sounds terribly intelligent to me.
The dark comedy here is that these same anti-science (not to be confused with anti-christ) shitheads are absolutely enthralled with nuclear weapons, nuclear war, and irradiating their unbelieving enemies.
All these fundie fucktards believe that a nuclear war in the holy land is a necessary prerequisite for christ's second coming. All that "the first baptism of the earth was with water, and the second shall be with flame" nonsense.
"Ascend already! The rest of us need the room!"
ID is science based on observations? Really?
"The only reason I don't like intelligent design is that they come short of saying "In the beginning God created..."
And the dude who posted this was there to observe this, right? Did you see it? Were you there? How can you call this science by observation if you weren't there? Are you part of the Marxist/homo conspiracy or something?
Hey, they pull this crap on me all the time.
"As for what "good science" is, I think he means science based on observation, as opposed to observations based on science."
No: most of us speak English, so this is incomprehensible.
And who observed God create anything?
Kitzmiller vs Dover says that ID is NOT science, it's just cretinism pushed into sciency-seeming idiocy.
The observable evidence for this is "cdesign proponentsists".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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