Wow, a whole web site of people bragging about being "former christians" who now stand up and shake their fist to the heavens declaring that the sun is not shining. And they brag about their hope being an eternity of darkness. Wow, what a hope and inspiration you are to everyone! The belching of reprobate minds.
I am so grateful that my Savior, Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light. The hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ gives light and hope and inspiration. Atheism brings nothing but darkness, death and depression. After all, it has been totally enforced in the USSR, China, and Cambodia. Oh how dark these self deluded "enlightened minds" become when they turn from God to experience "the blackness of darkness forever" In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I implore you all, turn to Christ Jesus before that darkness comes.
Atheism was not "totally enforced" in the USSR and there were times when it was relatively easy being a believer with the Patriarch of Moscow acting as a stooge for the regime - a tradition the current patriarch seems to continue. China is still a communist country and there are millions of Chinese Christians who became Christian under communism and who worship with few problems. Until the 19th century, however, it was common in Europe for Christianity to be "totally enforced" by the state; now that also brought little but darkness, death and depression.
If you want to "save" people for Christ, then I suggest that, rather than displaying the sin of pride, you might show a little Christian humility and address the problems they raise.
Nope, they're shaking their fist at a so-called god the worship of whom cost time, energy and money they could ill afford. Better to know when the darkness comes that you have lived a life that was full and useful and fun rather than full of worship for any false god.
Marxism is a type of secular fundamentalism that replaces worship of a deity with worship of the State. In either case, a higher authority (God or Government) is the arbiter of our thoughts and actions. Atheism is about the true liberation of the mind and the recognition that each individual has the right of self-determination. Fundamentalist religions and totalitarian governments need sheep; atheism can lead you out of the pen before the flock gets sheared.
Wow, a whole web site of people bragging about being "creationists" who now stand up and shake their fist at nature declaring that the evolution is not occurring. And they brag about their hope being eternally worshipping a genocidal maniac. Wow, what a hope and inspiration you are to everyone! The belching of creationist minds.
Look, I'm OK with the idea of death being total oblivion. You seem to be the one needing to cling to the idea of an eternal afterlife because you can't handle the thought of simply not existing. It's not darkness, it's just not existing any more.
I am so grateful that my Savior, Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light.
Come back and tell us how grateful you are when he lets you lie dying of stomach cancer. Funny how Jesus only brings light after you're dead ...
I think I've discovered what irks me about fundies and hence why I like to pick them apart. It's not the strange beliefs because there are lots of strange beliefs out there. It's not even the fact that they are so proud of their ignorance (their ignorance is actually amusing). It's their sense of superiority and the fact that they always feel the need to rub people's faces in it even though their entire premise for their superiority is based on faith. So, essentially, the same reason racists and sexists are annoying. The fact that they feel the need to preach that superiority to everyone they can only adds to it.
"I implore you all, turn to Christ Jesus before that darkness comes. "
Well, there was me thinking that it's the atheists that only hope for darkness. I bet you're an emotional wreck, as you wait in anticipation for the end times. What if you don't get [c]raptured? Your worship of God may be incorrect, as other Protestant sects suggest, so what then?
Just because you want it to be true is not evidence that it actually is.
Also, the countries you mentioned simply replaced the worship of a deity with the worship of a different entity, i.e. the State, the Party, a dictator. Those countries did not fail due to an excess of reason.
That's the funny thing about making promises that are kept after you're dead - there are absolutely no consequences to the promisor for being wrong. Nobody ever shows up to collect.
Jesus said you get a pony and a lollipop after you're dead. Be sure to let me know how that works out for you. If you're Muslim, substitute Muhammad for Jesus, and virgins for the pony.
See how that works? I'm not even the one making the promise.
Funny how they ignore the many secular nations of Europe today, which have the highest standard of living in the world. The biggest threat to those nations comes not from secularism, but from religion, albeit one that both Al and I can both agree is false.
I am so grateful that my Savior, God Emperor brought life and immortality to light. The hope of eternal life through The Emperor gives light and hope and inspiration. Chaos brings nothing but darkness, death and depression. After all, it has been totally enforced in the Warp, Eye Of Terror, and The Maelstrom. Oh how dark these self deluded "enlightened souls" become when they turn from God Emperor to kill for Khorne forever. In the name of the The God Emperor, I implore you all, turn to Him before that darkness comes.
Right, Al, your existence is of cosmic significance, and you're going to to be livelier than ever after you die.
I doubt they're declaring that the sun's not shining. We like the sun and it's going strong as always. Folks are just realizing that frummer religiosity is stupid. If you want to know why Christianity is losing popularity, look in the mirror!
Also, while some become atheists, others embrace less dogmatic forms of spirituality. Many of us still see the afterlife as a reality. Do paint folks with a broad brush, bub.
"Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light."
Looks like meaningless verbiage.
"Atheism brings nothing but darkness, death and depression."
Could be a grain of truth there. I was in a Humanist society decades ago that had a marked trend of depression, as noted by a psychologist member. The society even had a self-help group for depressives in it. Can't say that their atheism caused their depression. But regular meetings for obsessive Fundy bashing were hardly uplifting. There was also a marked trend of sexual problems. Let no one say that only religious folk have sex hang ups.
I'll take the company of people who understand science above those to whom 'GODDIDIT' suffice every time. Stop being so grouchy. It isn't their fault you have a lazy, fearful mind and can't explore beyond the bounds of your church.
Checking your brain at the door of your church isn't a virtue, you sad, silly man.
If we shake our fists to the heavens, it's because the sun is just one tiny stars among billion other stars, and because there is no firmament above us with those stars fixed to it.
Our hope lies in this life, and in the lives of future generations. Afterlife is probably very much like beforelife.
You're so grateful that your imaginary friend gives you imaginary hope of an imaginary eternal life? Good for you...
Atheism doesn't bring anything, as it's just a lack of belief in deities. It does leave room for education and scientific research, though.
State-enforced religion or atheism is never good, as it violates human rights. Neither of those states did the heinous things BECAUSE OF atheism, they just deprived their citizens of all their human rights, including freedom of religion.
Christianity has its share of darkness, death and depression as well, both in the past (Medieval times, for example, and Northern Ireland in the recent past) and the present.
We have been turned to "Christ Jesus", most of us, and many of us experienced a LIFTING of darkness, when we became atheists.
"I was in a Humanist society decades ago that had a marked trend of depression"
Since you joined, I'm sure. "Was". Yet, Humanist societies exist and are doing fine without you. Curious, that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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