Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people beleve in. This is why they have personality tests in scientology.
There are so many ways for Americans to turn there back on Jesus. Its fortune telling and astronomy that people are talking about a lot lately. I don’t no why eveybody wants to live in a place of sin and a culter of death. Its becaus they want us to be politicly correct and tolerate al kinds of sinners. Thats why God destroyed Saddam and Gomorrah. And we dont want to provoke God to do it again.
"Thats why God destroyed Saddam and Gomorrah."
Bwahaha! It takes genuine illiteracy to come up with a line like that. English isn't my first language, but it is obvious to me that you have yet to master it.
Yes, you are a stain.
edit: Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people beleve (one) in. This is why they have personality tests in scientology (two).
There are so many ways for Americans to turn there (three) back on Jesus. Its (four) fortune telling and astronomy that people are talking about a lot lately. I don’t no (five) why eveybody (six) wants to live in a place of sin and a culter (seven) of death. Its (eight) becaus (nine) they want us to be politicly (ten) correct and tolerate al (eleven) kinds of sinners. Thats (twelve) why God destroyed Saddam (thirteen) and Gomorrah. And we dont (fourteen) want to provoke God to do it again.
Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people beleve in. This is why they have personality tests in scientology.
How the hell are astrology, evolution and the scientology personality test in any way connected?
This angryxtain obviously does not know what an atheist is.
On closer inspection of the blog, I am pretty sure he/she is just trying to be funny. Trying, but not succeeding. Barack Obama is secretly gay, haw haw haw. Hilarious.
You think the evolutionary scientologist astrologers are bad? Just the other day I couldn't get to work because the Santeria vegan phrenologists were staging a protest about something. There they were, hundreds of them, all beating drums, groping people's skulls, and not eating animal products.
Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people believe in.
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.
"Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people beleve in."
Isn't it Pagan?
"There are so many ways for Americans to turn there back on Jesus."
I'm glad I did, never been happier.
"I don’t no why eveybody wants to live in a place of sin and a culter of death."
Assuming you mean culture, and again, this is why I turned my back on Jeebus.
"Its becaus they want us to be politicly correct and tolerate al kinds of sinners."
This is a land of peace and tolerance, don't like it go back to the desert where you came from.
"Thats why God destroyed Saddam and Gomorrah."
I thought it was people who destroyed them.
Thats why God destroyed Saddam and Gomorrah. And we dont want to provoke God to do it again.
And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. ...
And he [Abraham] said [after going through 40, 30, and 20], Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he [the LORD] said, I will not destroy [it] for ten's sake.
Is angryxtain implying that there aren't nine more in America as righteous as he is? Or is he suggesting he's as bad as the people in Sodom and Gomorrah, too - in which case, where does he come off lecturing us?
Hells teeth! No scientist worth the name believes in astrology! And scientology is a deliberate rip-off fake religion with no scientific basis.
Asrtonomy, on the other hand, is real science. Buy a clue!
Science != Scientology.
Astronomy != Astrology
Saddam? No, he got tried and executed by Interpol and a War Crimes Tribunal, IIRC.
Also, learn to spell before you type. People may take you more seriously that way.
Astrology =/= Astronomy
Cosmology =/= Biology
$cientology = Religion
Religion =/= Science
"turn there back" =/= English grammar
"I don’t no" = you = Illiterate
"Saddam and Gomorrah" = Fuckwit
Your argument = Invalid.
Ergo, you = Deserving of Atheist 'bullying'. QED.
You do the maths, angryshitstain.
Does somebody have the "fractal wrongness" image? Because, seriously -- false premises, linked together by horrid attempts at logic, followed by conclusions that have nothing to do with either the false premises or the flawed logic, followed by non-sequiturs. It's the batshit sampler platter!
astrology and astronomy have nothing to do with each other except that they both have something to do with stars.
Also, Scientology has nothing to do with either.
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