"My first boyfriend believed in that myth that states that when you start having sex with the same person, your vagina conforms to the shape of his penis, so if it feels different than usual to him, it means you fucked someone else. How does that even make any sense—"
"How does that even make any sense
It doesn't, he's full of shit, disregard the myth.
Considering where I first heard about that myth, and how often I've seen reference to it across that entire medium, I'm guessing your boyfriend operated on the general principle of "Japan said it, it must be true!". You're lucky you two weren't young enough that he ever thought burying you under five feet of sand would end well.
>That's because your boyfriend was clueless about mucosa elasticity and vaginal distension when sexually aroused, i.e. clueless about women's physical sexuality.
Sort of like how "incels" and their manuresphere brethren think that "roasties" are stretched out and you could "throw a hot dog down a hallway" thanks to spending their formative years riding "the cock carousel" with well hung "Chads and Tyrones".
Which shows their complete ignorance about women's anatomy. Hell, I've been with a couple of women who had children and I will say that Kegel exercises work. Oh boy do they work!
There also seems to be a belief amongst these types, I've noticed some women believe this too, that full-figured women and mature women are "loose". Again, speaking as someone who's dated a mature woman and is currently FWB with a BBW, that is something that is WRONG!
Perhaps that was something he told you, to scare you out of cheating. Seems it didn't work out for him, long term. . .
IOWs it doesn't make any sense.
“ How does that even make any sense—”
Start with the premise that women are supposed to be the property of ‘their’ man.
Then, the idea that the biology matches this fact makes a lot of sense to certain men.
Also, it’s an important point in incel ideology that women who sleep with more than one man (which is all women, in their mind) ‘bore out’ their vaginas through use. It seems logical to them that a vagina with 100 lovers would try to accommodate all of them and end up looking like a scabbard for a rolling pin.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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