THE TERMINATOR is the name of a demon that was revealed by the Holy Spirit.
In October 2000, a friend fell and broke some bones in her foot. She also had a place where the skin was broken and this area got infected. As she was seeking the Lord, a friend of hers called and said that she had been attached by a spirit (demon) called THE TERMINATOR. They went on to say that this demon could not kill you, but it could beat you up, cause you pain, cause you to pass out, etc.
And, in keeping with the demon diagnosis, if you bore a hole in her skull, the demon can escape through it and she will be cured. Good luck with that and you might try it on yourself, too. Just to be safe.
Maybe instead of seeking the Lord, she should have been seeking medical assistance?
Also, Terminator? What the hell? Does it have an Austrian accent and is married to a Shriver?
"They went on to say that this demon could not kill you, but it could beat you up, cause you pain, cause you to pass out, etc."
Then it's not a very good Terminator.
I love how people seek the lord AFTER they have been hurt. DO they really believe that prayer will influence the lord to temporarily suspend the laws of physics (which apparently he set up in the first place) in order to alleviate individual suffering.
Jesus Christ, accidents happen. No demons. No miracle cures.
Also, Stan and Elizabeth, you are complete asshats.
Actually, sounds like someone was having too much fun with Todd McFarlane's Spawn, and got Terminator and Ultraviolator mixed up.
Pathetic, when you can't even keep your bad guys straight ...
Could I interest you in some Demonbuster makeup?
that's right friends! Just send $100.00 (plus tax and shipping)
Too FUCKING funny!!!!!!
A "terminator" that can't kill.
Watch out for one called The Toe Stubber, and his running lackeys, The Hangnailer and The Paper Cutter
hilarious. The site claims End Time Deliverance Ministry, DemonBuster, Deliverance Manual, Jesus the Deliverer and some hell-fire and brimstone scripture. Then at the bottom of the page it says "Do you need skin care and make-up products?"
must look good for the rapture.
Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you, get an infection in your foot?
That's the problem with demons. In the old days, the church used to be able to authorise proper exorcisms. These days, you just don't get that. That's why demonic possession is so common these days.
Most demons can be exorcised with relative ease, though. But there's records of this particular one that go back several decades. While individual exorcisms have been shown to be effective, the demon later possesses a different victim. That's because it'll always BE BACK!! *drumroll*
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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