Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

What I take issue with is what feminism has done to the woman. In my opinion, (again, I stress that this is only an opinion) feminism has taken away femininity from the woman. Let's start with looks: how many women do you know that actually dress like women? Most women these days wear jeans or shorts, plain t-shirts, and sneakers. I would guess that 99.9% of women wear pants at work. I'm not even talking about the lack of modesty- I'm just referring to the lack of femininity in women's looks today. There is a small percentage of women who do put on makeup and take the time to look attractive, but that in itself is a whole 'nother can of worms, and I'm not opening that up today. I'm not promoting the etiquette schools of the past, but I am wondering where our lady-likeness has gone.

Next issue: Behavior. Nowadays, women feel the need to compete with men in every area of life, including binge-drinking. If a woman can guzzle down a six-pack, the men around her will surely be quite impressed! Young women think nothing of being loud and rowdy in a restaurant or any public place. It is totally acceptable for everyone at Starbuck's to hear a girl describe every detail of her date the previous night to her girlfriends. What about sports? Aside from football, I don't know of any sport that women don't participate in. You might say that's great, but I don't see the point of women playing basketball. Be honest- do any of these ladies look lady-like? Even bodybuilding has its fair share of women. Do any of those bodybuilders even look like women anymore? I sure don't think so! They're more muscular than most men!

Third issue: Career. Here's where it gets really controversial. Let me start by saying that if a woman is in a financial position where she needs to work, no one can fault her for it. I'm not referring to these women. What I would like to call attention to is the women who choose to work. What influenced your decision, ladies? Was it something that was always expected of you? Sadly, most of us were trained to expect a glamorous work career at the end of our college career. Did anyone train us to primarily want to raise a family? [...] To me, it's no wonder why so many families are dysfunctional today. There are too many things pulling the parents apart, and women in the workplace is a big part of it. Not to mention all of the adultery going on! Cheating would be much less prevalent if women weren't working with men! [...] Yes, you might be a career woman with a comfortable income and a nice title after your name, but who's raising your children? The nanny or the television? Who is home to greet them with a smile and a hug when they walk in the door after school? as a result of spending so much time and effort at work, does your house feel like a home? Does it have that magical energy of warmth and love that only a woman can give it? Or is it a house that your family uses to eat and sleep in until life begins all over again the next day?


Ladies, I am aware that many of you might be upset and even angry with what I wrote. My intention is not to make anyone feel bad, only to present information that will cause you to question your ideals. Do you want to be a real feminist? Then take back your home! Take back your family! Go against what society forces you to believe in. Be a woman who thinks outside of the box. Real feminism is about being the most incredible woman you can be. It's not about trying to be as much like a man as possible. But if you think about it, that's what feminism is to most people. How ironic! If you're a feminist, that means you're trying to live your life like a man as much as possible! This is exactly the antithesis of feminism!



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